Three Bridges - Shortfilm

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Finished 11 / 07 / 2024
$ 3,480
$ 3,347
$ 7,809
13 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 6

    • Appearing in the credits
    • Link to the behind-the-scenes of the short film

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 11

    • Appearing in the credits
    • Link to the behind-the-scenes of the short film
    • Link to the short film

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 33

    • Appearing in the credits
    • Link to the behind-the-scenes of the short film
    • Link to the short film
    • Digital Fanzine (with behind-the-scenes photos, storyboard, director's notes, and director of photography's notes)
    • Promotional Poster design for the short film

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 56

    • Appearing in the credits
    • Link to the behind-the-scenes of the short film
    • Link to the short film
    • Digital Fanzine (with behind-the-scenes photos, storyboard, director's notes, and director of photography's notes)
    • Poster
    • Stickers (featuring drawings of the house and landscapes made by the director and colorist)

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 78

    • Appearing in the credits
    • Link to the behind-the-scenes of the short film
    • Link to the short film
    • Digital Fanzine (with behind-the-scenes photos, storyboard, director's notes, and director of photography's notes)
    • Poster
    • Stickers (featuring drawings of the house and landscapes made by the director and colorist)
    • T-shirts (with the logo and name of the short film)

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 112

    • Appearing in the credits
    • Link to the behind-the-scenes of the short film
    • Link to the short film
    • Digital Fanzine (with behind-the-scenes photos, storyboard, director's notes, and director of photography's notes)
    • Poster
    • Stickers (featuring drawings of the house and landscapes made by the director and colorist)
    • T-shirts (with the logo and name of the short film)
      - Entry to the short film premiere

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 167

    Seventh with a TATTOO !!
    • Appearing in the credits
    • Link to the behind-the-scenes of the short film
    • Link to the short film
    • Digital Fanzine (with behind-the-scenes photos, storyboard, director's notes, and director of photography's notes)
    • Stickers (featuring drawings of the house and landscapes made by the director and colorist)
    • Poster
    • T-shirts (with the logo and name of the short film)
    • Entry to the short film premiere
    • Fineline tattoo: Designs made by the director and the colorist with cinema and countryside as themes (designs of houses, mountains, animals, film and photo cameras, lights, etc.).
      You will be able to choose the design and size you like best (between 5 and 20cm).
      To see examples of designs, please visit the Instagram accounts @peachyxtatts or @sticaburrida.

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 279

    • Appearing in the credits
    • Link to the behind-the-scenes of the short film
    • Link to the short film
    • Digital Fanzine (with behind-the-scenes photos, storyboard, director's notes, and director of photography's notes)
    • Poster
    • Stickers (featuring drawings of the house and landscapes made by the director and colorist)
    • T-shirts (with the logo and name of the short film)
    • Entry to the short film premiere
    • Fineline tattoo:
      Designs made by the director and the colorist with cinema and countryside as themes (designs of houses, mountains, animals, film and photo cameras, lights, etc.).
      You can choose the design and size you like best (between 5 and 20cm).
      To see examples of designs, please visit the Instagram accounts @peachyxtatts or @sticaburrida.
    • Physical Fanzine of the project (photos from the shoot, director's notes, director of photography's notes, and colorist's notes; storyboard, literary script with director's annotations, technical script, analog photos taken by the director)

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 558

    • Appearing in the credits
    • Link to the behind-the-scenes of the short film
    • Link to the short film
    • Digital Fanzine (with behind-the-scenes photos, storyboard, director's notes, and director of photography's notes)
    • Poster
    • Stickers (featuring drawings of the house and landscapes made by the director and colorist)
    • T-shirts (with the logo and name of the short film)
    • Entry to the short film premiere
    • Fineline tattoo:
      Designs made by the director and the colorist with cinema and countryside as themes (designs of houses, mountains, animals, film and photo cameras, clapperboards, lights, etc.).
      You can choose the design and size you like best (between 5 and 20cm).
      To see examples of designs, please visit the Instagram accounts @peachyxtatts or @sticaburrida.
    • Physical Fanzine of the project (photos from the shoot, director's notes, director of photography's notes, and colorist's notes; storyboard, literary script with director's and director of photography's annotations)
    • Recognition as collaborators of the project
    • Access to the project's pre-production dossier

    > 03 Co-financiers
¡Segunda ronda acabando en breve! Aún puedes donar o apoyar de otros modos, y conocer las últimas novedades.
No ha sido fácil, pero misión cumplida con el objetivo de financiación. ¡Muchas gracias!
¡Lo hemos logrado! Campaña cofinanciada en Goteo gracias a mucha gente ;)
Muy cerca del objetivo en Goteo, ¡aporte a aporte!
En el ecuador del objetivo, ¡¡¡chán chán chán!!!
Ya casi llegamos al final. Te necesitamos, ¡estas personas ya han aportado!
A una semana del todo o nada, no tienes nada que perder porque junt@s lo podemos todo. ¿Te sumas?
Las primeras aportaciones ya han hecho subir el termómetro, ¡pero necesitamos muchas más!
Tras 20 días de campaña, es momento de recordar qué más buscamos, aparte de dinero.
¡Una semana ya en Goteo! Mira qué nos motiva y a quién nos dirigimos.
Gota a gota, donación a donación, ayúdanos a lograr nuestros objetivos (haz clic)
Hemos recibido una donación de 500€ a la campaña, ¡muchísimas gracias!
Quiénes estamos detrás de este proyecto que acaba de empezar en Goteo...
Primer par de donaciones, ¡gracias! :)
¡Arranca esta campaña!