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Finished 22 / 08 / 2020
€ 2.071
€ 1.810
€ 11.110
34 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 10


    Each pledge helps us keep Alquimétricos moving forward!

    • You'll gain access to our private content channel full of cool stuff like pre-release units, making ofs, and sneak peeks.
    • We will add your name to the contributor's hall of fame.
    • You will receive the digital welcome kit.
      We need 10x €10 pledges to develop new video content units, so don't forget to invite your friends in!

    > 06 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 18


    Only for our first 12 helpers!

    • Get access to an online workshop for a very low pledge.
    • We will also add you to our channel for contributors, where you can find details and news on our next releases weeks before its official release.
    • Also get the digital welcome kit.
    • Your name will be added to our Hall of fame.

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 25

    • With your contribution, we can create a new PDF zine, which will be dedicated to you.
    • You will also be receiving our digital welcome kit.
    • Get access to the contributor's exclusive channel full of awesome Alquimétricos new stuff.
    • You can suggest what content we should develop next.

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 35


    Only for our first 12 fans!

    You really liked Alquimétricos, didn't you?

    • Get direct access to all our online workshops so you don't miss a detail!
    • You'll get the digital welcome kit.
    • Enter our Hall of fame.

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 50


    You enable us!

    • We will let you know how much we thank you by dedicating a video unit to you and to another Supporter.
    • Apart from that, you will gain access to our content channel, where you will be close to the Alquimétricos distillery of wonderful projects.
    • You'll enter our hall of fame and expect the digital welcome kit in your inbox.

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 63

    Early bird

    Just for the first 12 early birds!

    • Get your physical kit The kit will be delivered after the first campaign round ends.
    • Get access to all our online workshops for a very low pledge.
    • You will receive the digital welcome kit
    • You will enter our Hall of fame

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 75


    We know what you want.

    • Choose your kit tier 1 kit and receive it at home or where you want. Send it as a gift to a friend or convert it into a 10x batch that we will send to a Brazilian cultural center. Happy faces warrantied.
    • You’lll get the digital welcome kit
    • Entering the Alquimétricos Hall of Fame is also included. The kit will be delivered after the first campaign round ends.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 100


    We have your back!

    • With your support we can make a whole new video content unit, so we will dedicate it directly to you,
    • You will access our online workshop limited to 10 participants!
    • You will be receiving the digital welcome kit
    • Get access to the private content channel
    • Enter the hall of fame

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 200


    Thank you for your magic!

    • You will receive a physical welcome kit at the desired address.
    • You will enter our Hall of fame,
    • A project will be named after you,
    • Get access to exclusive content channel
    • Participate at a live online workshop.
      You are making possible a bunch of Brazilian "moleques" to learn geometry the fun way! The kit will be delivered after the first campaign round ends.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 250


    Want to create something challenging?

    • Get a Frequency 2 Geodesic dome Alquimétricos' structure to discover the magic of Buckminster Fuller's architectural mind. The kit will be delivered after the first campaign round ends.
    • You get access to the online workshop
    • Access the exclusive content channel,
    • Get the digital welcome kit and ?
    • Enter the Alquimétricos Hall of Fame.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 350


    So, you are interested in following the Alquimétricos' path...

    • You will surely appreciate a creator's kit, a case full of the tools and materials you need to create virtually any Alquimétricos project with your bare hands.. The kit will be delivered after the first campaign round ends.
    • We will send you the digital welcome kit
    • You’ll enter the Hall of fame

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 400


    If you want to bring Alquimétricos to your community you will certainly want our value pack with 10x ktis units.

    • You can choose among a variety of basic kits so you can share among your neighbours and friends. The kits will be delivered after the first campaign round ends.
    • You will get the digital welcome kit
    • Your name in the Hall of Fame.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 500


    Your support makes us grow exponentially. Really, one of your pledges has just made possible the edition of all our videos, or all our illustrations...

    • Expect the physical welcome kit
    • Access to the dedicated channel
    • Find a place at all our online workshops
    • You can choose among some special gifts: personalized help desk, tailor made contents based on your preferences or send an online live workshop free pass to up to 10 people! The kit will be delivered after the first campaign round ends.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 1.000


    You have really reached our hearts :); So here's the deal:

    • We will give an online workshop exclusively to you and your crew (up to 20 people) so your organization, family, or club can be part of the Alquimétricos community with exclusive contents, amusing activities and a whole experience tailor-made for you.
    • We will be making a special thanks social media video naming you, your organization, or whoever you tell us so people know how important your support is for us!
    • Expect our physical welcome kit and know that your donation has made possible loads of new educational experiences in Latin America. We will get In touch to show you, anyway. The kit will be delivered after the first campaign round ends.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 2.500


    Be a hero!

    • Give away 100x kits to a Brazilian favela school plus 3 teachers’ creator cases and training, so this winter nobody stays at home without learning.
      Plus we will make a special gift for you. All the digital props included:
    • Hall of Fame,
    • Physical welcome kit,
    • Exclusive channel membership
    • All workshops access.

    > 00 Co-financiers

34 Co-financiers

0 collaborators

Show donors



€ 40
€ 35
€ 63
€ 63
€ 50
€ 10
€ 26
€ 10
€ 63
Support message:
Apoyo Alquimétricos porque es un sistema constructivo, lúdico y proyecto educativo social basado en recursos educativos abiertos y hazlo tu mismo. Juguetes para hacer en casa. Libre y financiado colectivamente.


€ 200
€ 10
Support message:
keep on rockin in the free world <3

Hackaton Acessibilidade

€ 113


€ 132
€ 18
Support message:
Increíble proyecto Fernando, felieciatciones, larga vida a Alquimétricos. Abrazo desde Chile.


Hace 4 years
Didactics and knowledge management: Help us convey the message of our technologies and methodologies – and even our learning experiences – through our prototypes and manuals. It is vital that the project can reach more people around the world making use of a simple and inclusive language.

We look for a talented mind to edit texts and manuals. Someone who also can collaborate by building the conceptual and theoretical structures of our project; the production of didactic content and update technical information repository. Formal and informal educators are more than welcome.
Hace 4 years
Web development and design: Our website and social media have been created and developed with a lot of effort and love, but we know there is still room for improvement. We want to develop and turn them into platforms of exchange and spreading knowledge so people all over the world can access, hack and publish their Alquimétricos creations to share them with the rest of the community. We are looking for talented geeks to build tools of Alquimétricos 2.0 for children and families, teachers, manufacturers, and artists. We invite developers, front-end designers, UX designers, back end developers, and WordPress specialists.
Hace 4 years
R&D+i: Technical research. Product design, methodologies, technologies. Documenting the procedures. Testing and gathering experiences. Updating repositories, bibliographical references, knowledge databases. Managing free intellectual property.
Writing, sketching, instructions, tutorials.

First of all, we want to share this information with our community of collaborators, facilitators, designers and manufacturers of Alquimetricos. Later, with everyone. That is why we need to document and translate our technical aspects into a simple, transparent and objective way.
Hace 4 years
Cultural management and Executive production: We are looking for someone who can map opportunities to implement our project. We seek talents with operational skills to activate Alquimétricos workshops, courses, and interventions – whether in its planning, production, or execution – helping with logistics, eventual red tape, and with other magical resources so that each project is a success.
Hace 4 years
Legal/ Financial/ Administrative Management: We look for organized people who can deal with administrative, financial, and law and policies bureaucracy, anticipating conflicts and investigate regulatory benchmark, without stepping out of the creative environment. We wish to strengthen Alquimétricos management through methodologies, tools, and procedures that can guarantee the project horizontality – with simplified procedures and costs reduced to the minimum. We are looking for someone who can help us create a reference model, present transparency, and management reports.
Hace 4 years
Audiovisual production: Alquimétricos is a story factory. Through these stories, many things happen – many times, simultaneously. We are looking for somebody who’s interested in recording, editing and post-producing audiovisual, informative, educational, promotional, and performance pieces to document and promote the project. You’ll have the freedom to create! We look for people in whom we can trust with new aesthetics and languages in the project.
Hace 4 years
Translator and Multilingual Management: Alquimétricos was born in 2015 in Argentina. Now, we also live in Brazil, but we travel through North America, Europe, Africa and we have even been to China!

As in an international community, it is vital to translate and manage the wide range of content and multilingual partners in different languages.

We do not need a single person who knows everything, but one who knows that every little action is part of a larger whole – in which we need to consider the cultural differences between, and within, each region.
Hace 4 years
Communication and Community Management: If writing, social media influencing are interesting functions to you, we surely want you by our side for the next challenges: we look for social media management specialists.

Tasks include updating and automatizing posts in our web platforms, blogging, video blogging, narration and storytelling and promoting future activities.

Follow the project evolution with internal and external messaging that build Alquimetricos’s narrative. Offer support in promoting projects in course. Communication plans, alongside with concept plan of written pieces, screenplay, podcasts and additional support.
Hace 4 years
Infrastructure: Our job is way better done with the right hardware: We need a camera, mic and computer to produce and edit our work. Donations are a blessing!
Hace 4 years
OER/STEAM contents and activities fundraising: We want to expand our reach and strengthen the team’s abilities. In order to do that, we look for people who can guide us through the fundraising process with subsidies and scholarships.
We expect this person can take the agenda and calls applications and can elicit strategic ideas to improve and refine our project in order to raise the necessary resources to reach our goals. Crowdfunding champs are more than welcome to apply for this job!