Europa del Norte en Bici

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Finished 01 / 10 / 2016
$ 2,266
$ 2,078
$ 24,038
38 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 11

    Heartful thanks!

    You are supporting a good cause.
    Unless you specify other, I will upload your name on, within Section 5: "¡Thanks, sponsors!".

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 16

    Get me a meal!

    A warm, nice meal with a refreshing drink! Cool! I will record myself before the dish, thanking you! :)

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 21

    Postcards from the route!

    You will be featured (unless otherwise specify) on Section 4: "Thanks to the Postcard Sponsors" at
    i will send you one postcard from one of the cities I'm passing through, thanking you, personally.

    > 14 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 27

    ¡Apadrina un Kilómetro!

    I have 2000 of these ahead! :)
    I will send you a postcard and you will be featured in Section 3: Sponsors of Km! at
    Each Km will have a name. Let's name all the way up!

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 43

    Sponsor a whole STAGE!

    I'm counting on 40 stages.
    Most of them cycling. Some, taking part of activities, talks and/or events.
    I will send you two (2) postcards, I will mention you on a blog or vlog report.
    You will be featured on Section 2: "Thanks to the Stage Sponsors!" at the Sponsor page at

    > 07 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 107

    A talk at school, events, groups...

    I will offer myself to talk at any event related to cycling safety or urban planning.
    Taking part at any of these, along the route, or once this campaing ends, in Madrid, Spain.

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 214

    Let me carry your Logo!

    I will be passing through the most bike-friendly cities in Europe. I will take part in events, talks, activities and I will be featured in media.
    Do you want your logo on me or my bike?
    The perfect option for cycling or tech brands to enhance visibility!

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 750

    The bike. Yes.

    The big prize.
    Please note: this is a "terminator" bike, made out of different parts, assembled by me, kindly donated by Cyke Köket, a Swedish NGO for social bikes.
    The real value here is the emotional link every Km we cycle together.
    I will also:

    • send you 3 postcards from different cities along the route.
    • a very unique and special feature on Section 1: "My most sinceres thanks to the new owner of the bike and Sponsor of the final Stage!" at the sponsors page at
    • Exclusive thanking video.
    • Sponsorship of the final Stage! The arrival!!!
    > 00 Co-financiers

About this project

A Cause: to raise awareness for the cycling victims of road accidents

Needs Material Minimum Optimum
The minimum required equipment to accomplish the scope of cycling Stockholm to Brussels safely.
$ 509
Special Equipment
Technology applied for the bicycle: lights, energy savers, specific tracking application, prototype for intuitive SatNav.
$ 2,678
Needs Task Minimum Optimum
Transportation to/from
Expenses to arrive to departure point and travel from arrival point to "Headquarters": Madrid.
$ 498
Minimum of donation for Association DIA, for victims of road accidents.
$ 214
Funding for R&F
Development of an intuitive SatNav system which will help to reduce the reasons of cycling accidents dramatically in urban roads. The more we reach, the better and faster we can have the prototype and proof of concept and, eventually, a commercially viable product. From an app to a whole system. It makes a difference.
$ 16,068
Donation to Association DIA, for victims of road accidents.
We are honoured to donate part of the funding to Association DIA, for victims of road accidents. Since it's hard to be specific about the amount, this is just an estimation. We hope to raise and donate more. There will be an event with the donation.
$ 1,607
Needs Infrastructure Minimum Optimum
I have estimated around 20€ per day for general food, cereal bars and energy beverages.
$ 857
A Team
Though we are many involved in the project, sometimes we need more people to cover parts of the work where we have no expertise. They can make a huge difference.
$ 1,607
Total $ 2,078 $ 24,038

General information

On 26/07/2016, I will start cycling from Stockholm to Brussels, through Gothenburg, Copenhagen, Hamburg and Amsterdam, some of the most "bike-friendly" cities in the EU.

This project has a Mission: to promote the use of bicycles by making cycling safer. The cyclists need to feel safer in order to ride more. Bicycles bring more benefits to society than we believe: health, environment and economy.

This project is also backing a Cause: to raise awareness for those cyclist who are/were victims of a road accident. Over 2000 cyclists are killed in the EU every year. Not to mention many hundred of thousands who are injured as well.

Along the route, I will be joining events, "days-out", talks and other activities, whenever possible, promoted by cycling groups or associations.

Blinkker is the company behind this event, which is currently working on the development of solutions with a big social impact. Most of them are related to safety for cyclists and are referred to both the bicycle itself and the environment.

With you help, we can collaborate in both ways: raise to donate to a Road Victims Association DIA, and also help to develope further solutions, more events, projects and campaigns with one scope: to make the road a safer place for cyclists.

Thank you very much!

For more info, please visit:
Also in social media:

Main features and goals of the crowdfunding campaign

Bikes&Tech is about a solo cycling trip from Stockholm to the EU Parliament in Brussels.
The cyclist will be sleeping in a tent.
Some stops are scheduled in bike-friendly cities: Gothenburg, Copenhagen, Hamburg and Amsterdam.

This project has two main SCOPES:

  1. AWARENESS: for cyclists who are victim, killed or injured, of road accidents. With over 2000 killed and over 250.000 injured just in the EU... it is too much. Time to put this big problem over the table and campaigning is a good start. Social Media, live events, talks, activities and more campaigns are needed. Education is vital for both: drivers and cyclists.

  2. FUNDRAISING: There are 3 main objectives here:
    a) cover some of the expenses of this project.
    b) donate part of the funding to Association DIA, for victims of road accidents.
    c) funding R&D projects focused on road safety for cyclists, in order to increase the use of bicycles mainly in cities as a primary way of transportation (as a part of the MaaS scheme). You can check some of these projects already ongoing on


Why this is important

  • Any cyclist. Urban or not. No matter the age (my grandpa was cycling until he was 90 years old. Word).

  • Associations or groups devoted to help, mitigate, reduce, campaign the effects of road accidents.

  • Communities or groups that can be primarily affected by road accidents.

  • Departments of Traffic or similars, since they can boost campaigns like this.


Goals of the crowdfunding campaign

Main objective is to enhance visibility for a Cause and raise awareness for cyclists who are victim of road accidents.

Any help on social media (by using links to the campaign's website or crowdfunding platform or by using #bikesandtech) or offline talks to Associations or cycling groups is priceless.

We believe that this problem has a reason and a solution: the more bicycles on the road, the more the drivers will get used to see and respect them. Hence, it is needed to give more visibility to this problem. Raise awareness!

About the crowdfunding campaign:
We need to raise funds in order to:
a) cover some of the expenses of this project.
b) donate part of the funding to Association DIA, for victims of road accidents.
c) funding R&D projects focused on road safety for cyclists, in order to increase the use of bicycles mainly in cities as a primary way of transportation (as a part of the MaaS scheme). You can check some of these projects already ongoing on


Team and experience

I have been an urban cyclist since I was a kid and had to fight my parents to let me go to High School by bike. Since then, I have used a bike almost everywhere I could (well, in Cairo (Egypt) was rather impossible to use).

In my free time, I started working on technology-based projects, focused on bicycles and its world, back in 2014. I'm focusing 100% on them now.

I'm extra lucky to count on such an amazing and international team:

  • Axel Ostlund is taking care of Logistics at departure: Stockholm.
  • Lola Baro is the best Marketing advisor and responsible of the campaign while I'm cycling.
  • Alvaro Isorna, who created the amazing tracking app that I will be using on the trip.
  • Paty Trejo is taking care of Logistics (events and communication) at arrival in Brussels.
  • Cykel Köket, is a Swedish NGO providing with "the bike" and technical assitance along Sweden (most of the route).
  • Danny Quanstrom and his crazy ideas are just adding good stuff from London, UK.

Social commitment