¡Renovamos Goteo!

Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?


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Finished 01 / 09 / 2023
$ 392,563
$ 235,847
$ 325,051
273 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 109


    With your contribution of €5 to help us regenerate the Bejís olive grove after the fire:

    • We will include your name or the name of the person you indicate in the solidarity mural on our website, making you one of the people who will allow us to make the environment of Bejís change from black to green.

    • Provide tax relief: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 26 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 326


    With your contribution of €12 to help us regenerate the Bejís olive grove after the fire:

    • We will include your name or the name of the person you indicate in the solidarity mural on our website.

    • We will send you a watercolor wallpaper in digital format made by our local artist Ana Villanueva. The watercolor represents an olive tree that regrows after the fire with more force than ever, moved by the drive and desire of the people of this land.

    • A bracelet with the logo of the project in which you are collaborating, becoming one of the people who will allow us to make the environment of Bejís change from black to green.

    • Includes shipping to Spain.

    Provide tax relief: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 46 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 544


    With your contribution of €22 to help us regenerate the Bejís olive grove after the fire:

    • We will include your name or the name of the person you indicate in the solidarity mural on our website.

    • We will send you a watercolor wallpaper in digital format made by our local artist Ana Villanueva. The watercolor represents an olive tree that regrows after the fire with more force than ever, moved by the drive and desire of the people of this land.

    • A t-shirt with the logo of the project in which you are collaborating, becoming one of the people who will allow us to make the environment of Bejís change from black to green.

    • Includes shipping to Spain.

    Provide tax relief: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 50 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 761


    With your contribution of €32 to help us regenerate the Bejís olive grove after the fire:

    • We will include your name or the name of the person you indicate in the solidarity mural on our website.

    • We will send you a watercolor wallpaper in digital format made by our local artist Ana Villanueva. The watercolor represents an olive tree that regrows after the fire with more force than ever, moved by the drive and desire of the people of this land.

    • A t-shirt with the logo of the project in which you are collaborating.

    • A backpack with the logo of the project, making you one of the people who will allow us to make the environment of Bejís change from black to green.

    • Includes shipping to Spain.

    Provide tax relief: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 14 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 979


    With your contribution of €42 to help us regenerate the Bejís olive grove after the fire:

    • We will include your name or the name of the person you indicate in the solidarity mural on our website.

    • We will send you a watercolor wallpaper in digital format made by our local artist Ana Villanueva. The watercolor represents an olive tree that regrows after the fire with more force than ever, moved by the drive and desire of the people of this land.

    • A t-shirt with the logo of the project in which you are collaborating.

    • A backpack with the logo of the project.

    • We will put in the olive tree that you are saving a medallion with your name or the name that you indicate, becoming one of the people who will allow us to get the environment of Bejís to change from black to green.

    • Includes shipping to Spain.

    Provide tax relief: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 31 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,197


    With your contribution of €52 to help us regenerate the Bejís olive grove after the fire:

    • We will include your name or the name of the person you indicate in the solidarity mural on our website.

    • We will send you a watercolor wallpaper in digital format made by our local artist Ana Villanueva. The watercolor represents an olive tree that regrows after the fire with more force than ever, moved by the drive and desire of the people of this land.

    • A t-shirt with the logo of the project in which you are collaborating.

    • A backpack with the logo of the project.

    • We will put in the olive tree that you are saving a medallion with your name or the name that you indicate, becoming one of the people who will allow us to get the environment of Bejís to change from black to green.

    • A themed bottle.

    • Includes shipping to Spain.

    Provide tax relief: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 46 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 2,176


    With your contribution of €97 to help us regenerate the Bejís olive grove after the fire:

    • We will include your name or the name of the person you indicate in the solidarity mural on our website.

    • We will send you a watercolor wallpaper in digital format made by our local artist Ana Villanueva. The watercolor represents an olive tree that regrows after the fire with more force than ever, moved by the drive and desire of the people of this land.

    • A t-shirt with the logo of the project in which you are collaborating.

    • A backpack with the logo of the project.

    • We will put in the olive tree that you are saving a medallion with your name or the name that you indicate.

    • A themed bottle.

    • Guided visit to the old town of Bejís.

    • A tasting of our EVOO for two people (flexible date), becoming one of the people who will allow us to make the environment of Bejís change from black to green.

    • Includes shipping to Spain.

    Provide tax relief: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 15 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 4,351


    With your contribution of €197 to help us regenerate the Bejís olive grove after the fire:

    • We will include your name or the name of the person you indicate in the solidarity mural on our website.

    • We will send you a watercolor wallpaper in digital format made by our local artist Ana Villanueva. The watercolor represents an olive tree that regrows after the fire with more force than ever, moved by the drive and desire of the people of this land.

    • A t-shirt with the logo of the project in which you are collaborating.

    • A backpack with the logo of the project.

    • We will put in the olive tree that you are saving a medallion with your name or the name that you indicate.

    • A themed bottle.

    • Guided visit to the old town of Bejís.

    • A tasting of our EVOO for two people (flexible date), becoming one of the people who will allow us to make the environment of Bejís change from black to green.

    • We will include a 250ml sample of our Extra Virgin Olive Oil,"BELGIDIS".

    • Includes shipping to Spain.

    Provide tax relief: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 09 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 6,527


    With your contribution of €297 to help us regenerate the Bejís olive grove after the fire:

    • We will include your name or the name of the person you indicate in the solidarity mural on our website.

    • We will send you a watercolor wallpaper in digital format made by our local artist Ana Villanueva. The watercolor represents an olive tree that regrows after the fire with more force than ever, moved by the drive and desire of the people of this land.

    • A t-shirt with the logo of the project in which you are collaborating.

    • A backpack with the logo of the project.

    • We will put in the olive tree that you are saving a medallion with your name or the name that you indicate.

    • A themed bottle.

    • Guided visit to the old town of Bejís.

    • A tasting of our EVOO for two people (flexible date), becoming one of the people who will allow us to make the environment of Bejís change from black to green.

    • We will include a 250ml sample of our Extra Virgin Olive Oil,"BELGIDIS".

    • Experience of a day picking olives with food included for two people (date to be specified within the olive harvest campaign).

    • Includes shipping to Spain.

    Provide tax relief: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 10,879


    With your contribution of €497 to help us regenerate the Bejís olive grove after the fire:

    • We will include your name or the name of the person you indicate in the solidarity mural on our website.

    • We will send you a watercolor wallpaper in digital format made by our local artist Ana Villanueva. The watercolor represents an olive tree that regrows after the fire with more force than ever, moved by the drive and desire of the people of this land.

    • A t-shirt with the logo of the project in which you are collaborating.

    • A backpack with the logo of the project.

    • We will put in the olive tree that you are saving a medallion with your name or the name that you indicate.

    • A themed bottle.

    • Guided visit to the old town of Bejís.

    • A tasting of our EVOO for two people (flexible date), becoming one of the people who will allow us to make the environment of Bejís change from black to green.

    • We will include a 250ml sample of our Extra Virgin Olive Oil,"BELGIDIS".

    • Experience of a day picking olives with food included for two people (date to be specified within the olive harvest campaign).

    • Night accommodation in a rural apartment for two people (flexible date), becoming one of the people who will allow us to make the environment of Bejís change from black to green.

    • Includes shipping to Spain.

    Provide tax relief: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 01 Co-financiers
El retorno colectivo tras la campaña con Goteo ya es accesible desde la página del proyecto.
¡Segunda ronda acabando en breve! Aún puedes donar o apoyar de otros modos, y conocer las últimas novedades.
Wow, donación de 1.000€ a nuestra campaña en Goteo, ¡mil gracias!
Gracias a todos y todas. Seguimos en Goteo en segunda ronda, ¡a por el óptimo!
Ya casi llegamos al final. Te necesitamos, ¡estas personas ya han aportado!
A una semana del todo o nada, no tienes nada que perder porque junt@s lo podemos todo. ¿Te sumas?
Entre tod@s ¡se puede! Gracias por ayudarnos a lograrlo con Goteo
Doscientas donaciones ya... No es sólo una campaña, ¡es un motor de ilusión!
¡Casi llegamos al 100%! Ya está casi el objetivo, ¡gracias!
En el ecuador de la campaña de Goteo, te recordamos otras formas de ayudar aparte de donar.
¡1ª semana en Goteo! Os recordamos la motivación de esta campaña (haz clic).
Necesitamos apoyos en Goteo para estos objetivos (haz clic)
Llegar hasta aquí ya tiene mérito: ¡50% de recaudación superado!
Casi somos 100, ¿te animas a llegar a esa cifra?
Esto es lo que queremos hacer y est@s somos nosotr@s

No nos lo creemos

Si ayer fue un día de adrenalina por las nubes, hoy no os queremos ni contar.
Nos indicaron que sería bueno que llegásemos a conseguir el 30% del objetivo en los primeros 10 días. Es el segundo y tenemos un 33%!!!!
No lo queremos decir muy...

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Primer día superado

Somos nuevos en todo esto y estamos felices porque hemos conseguido superar el primer día. Ha sido un día largo, de nervios y sobre todo de muchas ganas e ilusión.
Hemos conseguido nuestras primeras donaciones y estamos muy agradecidos...

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20% del objetivo mínimo ya logrado, ¡esto se mueve!
Hemos recibido una donación de 500€ a la campaña, ¡muchísimas gracias!
Primer par de donaciones, ¡gracias! :)
¡Arranca esta campaña!