Contributing € 2
We thank you for the donation.
> 00 Co-financiers
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Biologia sintètica contra la metàstasi
We thank you for the donation.
In appreciation for the donation, we will post a thank-you note in our webpage.
In appreciation for the donation, we will post a thank-you note in our webpage and twitter.
Personalised sticker and a note of gratitude in our social networks and webpage.
Personalised sticker and a t-shirt and a note of gratitude in our social networks and webpage.
Personalised poster, sticker and a t-shirt, and a note of gratitude in our social networks and webpage.
Guided tour in our laboratory. In addition, personalised poster, sticker and a t-shirt, and a note of gratitude in our social networks and webpage.
Special mention of gratitude in our social networks and webpage. In addition: personalised poster, sticker and a t-shirt.
Appearance in our posters and our events. Special mention of gratitude in our social networks and webpage. In addition: personalised poster, sticker and a t-shirt.
Image of our team. Appearance in our posters and our events, present and future. Special mention of gratitude in our social networks and webpage. In addition: personalised poster, sticker and a t-shirt.
El pròxim dimecres 28 de Novembre a les 10:30 tornarem a repetir la presentació del nostre projecte que vam realitzar a Boston. El lloc és la Sala Charles Darwin del edifici del PRBB, c/doctor aiguader 80, Barcelona. Tenim moltes ganes de compartir l'experiència i explicar-vos tot el que hem aconseguit. Esteu convidats!
Inicia sesión para dejar un comentario
We thank you for the donation.
> 00 Co-financiers
Appreciation + mention
In appreciation for the donation, we will post a thank-you note in our webpage.
> 21 Co-financiers
Appreciation + mention
In appreciation for the donation, we will post a thank-you note in our webpage and twitter.
> 12 Co-financiers
Sticker + Appreciation
Personalised sticker and a note of gratitude in our social networks and webpage.
> 22 Co-financiers
T-Shirt + Sticker
Personalised sticker and a t-shirt and a note of gratitude in our social networks and webpage.
> 18 Co-financiers
Poster + T-shirt + sticker
Personalised poster, sticker and a t-shirt, and a note of gratitude in our social networks and webpage.
> 08 Co-financiers
Guided tour in our laboratory + all of above
Guided tour in our laboratory. In addition, personalised poster, sticker and a t-shirt, and a note of gratitude in our social networks and webpage.
> 01 Co-financiers
Bronze sponsorship
Special mention of gratitude in our social networks and webpage. In addition: personalised poster, sticker and a t-shirt.
> 00 Co-financiers
Silver sponsorship
Appearance in our posters and our events. Special mention of gratitude in our social networks and webpage. In addition: personalised poster, sticker and a t-shirt.
> 01 Co-financiers
Gold sponsorship
Image of our team. Appearance in our posters and our events, present and future. Special mention of gratitude in our social networks and webpage. In addition: personalised poster, sticker and a t-shirt.
> 00 Co-financiers