Crowdplanting for the community of the Cemetery

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Finished 27 / 02 / 2022
£ 3,890
£ 3,375
£ 7,593
74 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 17

    Give a push

    Promoters who "give us a push" to the project will receive:

    • A thank you message with news about the progress of the transformed spaces.
    • Sponsorship of a plant or shrub in the new "Jardines del Cura".
    > 20 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 42

    Give a boost

    Promoters who "give us a boost" to the project will receive:

    • A thank you message with news about the progress of the transformed spaces.
    • Sponsorship of a tree in the new "Jardines del Cura" .
    • An invitation to the kick-off event in the neighborhood.
    > 17 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 84

    Give projection

    The promoters who "give projection" to the project will receive:

    • A thank you message with news about the progress of the transformed spaces.
    • Sponsorship of a tree in the new "Jardines del Cura" .
    • An invitation to the kick-off event in the neighborhood.
    • An individual invitation to a participatory construction day .
    • A3 illustration with the transformation project.
    > 09 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 169

    Great collaboration

    Promoters who make a "great collaboration" to the project will receive:

    • A thank you message with news about the progress of the transformed spaces.
    • Sponsorship of a tree in the new "Jardines del Cura" .
    • An invitation to the kick-off event in the neighborhood.
    • An individual invitation to a participatory construction day .
    • A2 illustration with the transformation project.
    • A copy of "Chronicles of a forgotten neighborhood" (history from below of the Cemetery District in Spanish).
    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 337

    Unconditional support

    Promoters who give us "unconditional support" to the project will receive:

    • A thank you message with news about the progress of the transformed spaces.
    • Sponsorship of a tree in the new "Jardines del Cura".
    • An invitation to the kick-off event in the neighborhood.
    • An individual invitation to a participatory construction day .
    • A2 illustration with the transformation project.
    • A copy of "Chronicles of a forgotten neighborhood" (history from below of the Cemetery District in Spanish).
    • Potted tree to extend the promotion of green areas wherever you want.
    > 02 Co-financiers

Los Jardines del Cura toman forma en el Barrio Cementerio

10 | 06 | 2022

Habemus Jardines de Cura

Gracias a vuestras aportaciones, los Jardines del Cura empiezan a ser una realidad tangible en el Barrio del Cementerio. Con un liderazgo comunitario y la participación de la Fundación Rehabitar Tierra de Campos, se han realizado dos espacios estanciales mediante una construcción 100% ecológica. Usando la tierra del barrio, hemos construido una pérgola hecha de adobes, una solera de cal y unos bancos de tapia vertida.

Todo esto ha sido posible gracias a la co-financiación por parte de la Conselleria de Vivienda y Arquitectura Bioclimática de la Generalitat Valenciana que, por una parte, ha aportado fondos a través de un proyecto de la Universidad de Alicante financiado por el Plan IRTA; y por otra parte, ha apostado por el proyecto de regeneración comunitaria del barrios mediante un convenio específico gestionado por la Dirección General de Calidad, Rehabilitación y Eficiencia Energética, que se aplicará durante 2022 en viviendas y espacios comunes.

Muchas gracias por hacer posible este cambio liderado por la ciudadanía del Barrio del Cementerio, ¡sigamos haciendo ruido y aunando voluntades para erradicar la vulnerabilidad urbana!

Os mantendremos informados/as de los avances, y pronto empezaréis a recibir recompensas hechas con tood nuestro cariño... 🎁 🎁 🎁

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