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> 03 Co-financiers
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ElenQ Publishing
Help us fund our maintenance and publishing costs with 5€ or more.
Your name will appear in the project's official website.
Physical edition of: What's informatics?
Worldwide shipping included.
If the optimum goal is reached, choose between English or Spanish
Physical edition of: Programming in Python
Worldwide shipping included.
If the optimum goal is reached, choose between English or Spanish
Physical edition of: What's informatics? + Programming in Python
Worldwide shipping included.
If the optimum goal is reached, choose between English or Spanish
Physical edition of: What's informatics? + Programming in Python
Worldwide shipping included.
If the optimum goal is reached, choose between English or Spanish
Physical edition of: Programming in Python (2 units)
Worldwide shipping included.
If the optimum goal is reached, choose between English or Spanish
Physical edition of: What's informatics? + Programming in Python (2 units of each)
Worldwide shipping included.
If the optimum goal is reached, choose between English or Spanish
Physical edition of: What's informatics? (10 units)
Worldwide shipping included.
If the optimum goal is reached, choose between English or Spanish
Physical edition of: Programming in Python (5 units)
Worldwide shipping included.
If the optimum goal is reached, choose between English or Spanish
Physical edition of: Programming in Python (10 units)
Worldwide shipping included.
If the optimum goal is reached, choose between English or Spanish
Sorry for the delay since the latest update, but these weeks have been hard for everyone for obvious reasons.
We prioritized some other pending tasks we had because we considered they were good for the future of the campaign and the live of the project. The task was to teach modern C++ to a group of engineers in a research center so we decided to spend more time on it and prepare the materials of the course in a way that can be published later by ElenQ Publishing. They are already accessible in Spanish from the project's
We had some time to work directly in the project too. We worked in Programming in Python, correcting some explanations and we solved a terminology issue regarding special method names. We are very near to a final version.
The publishing tools have been developed further too. As we already announced previously we are able to create the web, simple web, and PDF formats with no issues and we are ready to work on the projects website.
We hope to be able to send the books to the printer soon.
Thanks for the patience.
Inicia sesión para dejar un comentario
Support the project
Help us fund our maintenance and publishing costs with 5€ or more.
Your name will appear in the project's official website.
> 03 Co-financiers
What's informatics?
Physical edition of: What's informatics?
Worldwide shipping included.
If the optimum goal is reached, choose between English or Spanish
> 05 Co-financiers
Programming in Python
Physical edition of: Programming in Python
Worldwide shipping included.
If the optimum goal is reached, choose between English or Spanish
> 07 Co-financiers
LIMITED: What's informatics + Programming in Python
Physical edition of: What's informatics? + Programming in Python
Worldwide shipping included.
If the optimum goal is reached, choose between English or Spanish
> 10 Co-financiers
What's informatics + Programming in Python
Physical edition of: What's informatics? + Programming in Python
Worldwide shipping included.
If the optimum goal is reached, choose between English or Spanish
> 08 Co-financiers
Programming in Python x 2
Physical edition of: Programming in Python (2 units)
Worldwide shipping included.
If the optimum goal is reached, choose between English or Spanish
> 02 Co-financiers
LIMITED: (What's informatics + Programming in Python) x 2
Physical edition of: What's informatics? + Programming in Python (2 units of each)
Worldwide shipping included.
If the optimum goal is reached, choose between English or Spanish
> 02 Co-financiers
What's informatics? x 10
Physical edition of: What's informatics? (10 units)
Worldwide shipping included.
If the optimum goal is reached, choose between English or Spanish
> 01 Co-financiers
Programming in Python x 5
Physical edition of: Programming in Python (5 units)
Worldwide shipping included.
If the optimum goal is reached, choose between English or Spanish
> 00 Co-financiers
Programming in Python x 10
Physical edition of: Programming in Python (10 units)
Worldwide shipping included.
If the optimum goal is reached, choose between English or Spanish
> 00 Co-financiers
Translation to other languages taking as source the Spanish or the English version.