¡Renovamos Goteo!

Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?


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Finished 14 / 07 / 2019
€ 7.738
€ 4.000
€ 18.000
155 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 20

    Enter our Hall of Fame

    Receive our eternal gratitude and get your name and location on our funders page on our website.

    > 30 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 30

    Early Bird Discount (Extra Small)

    Get 60 € in credit to use on our platform. This credit is only valid for our booking fee (7,5% on the booking price).

    > 22 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 30

    Special Discount (Extra Small)

    Get 35 euros in credit to use on our platform. This credit is only valid for our booking fee (7,5% of the total price)
    Receive our eternal gratitude and get your name and location on our funders page on our website.

    > 29 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 35

    Truth or Truth

    You will get a personal video message from us posted on our youtube channel sending you our gratitude and answering three questions of your choice.
    Receive our eternal gratitude and get your name and location on our funders page on our website.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 50

    Early Bird Discount (Small)

    Get 100 € in credit to use on our platform. This credit is only valid for our booking fee (7,5% on the booking price).

    > 08 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 50

    Special Discount (Small)

    Get 60 euros in credit to use on our platform. This credit is only valid for our booking fee (7,5% of the total price)
    Receive our eternal gratitude and get your name and location on our funders page on our website.

    > 10 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 60

    Sustainable Tourism Webinar

    Participate in an online training session focused on discovering how to approach a good sustainable tourism project.
    Receive our eternal gratitude and get your name and location on our funders page on our website.

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 60

    Fair Hosts Webinar

    Participate in an online session exploring how to become a better host. In this session, a facilitator will explore how to offer a home that ensures the satisfaction of guests, as well as a sustainable connection with the local environment.
    Receive our eternal gratitude and get your name and location on our funders page on our website.

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 100

    Early Bird Discount (Medium)

    Get 200 € in credit to use on our platform. This credit is only valid for our booking fee (7,5% on the booking price).

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 100

    Entities and businesses friends

    We are open to support from private entities and businesses which share our values. We will send you our gratitude and will show the link of your organization in the ‘friends’ area of our website.

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 100

    Special Discount (Medium)

    Get 125 euros in credit to use on our platform. This credit is only valid for our booking fee (7,5% of the total price)
    Receive our eternal gratitude and get your name and location on our funders page on our website.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 100

    Local Workshop

    Participate in one of our local workshops. From late 2019 onwards,we will organize a Fairbnb.coop tour across at least five cities in Spain: Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Seville, Bilbao. In each city we will organize a special workshop in which we will analyse the local impacts of mass tourism and initiate a co-design process to understand how fairbnb.coop can better connect and collaborate with local communities.
    Receive our eternal gratitude and get your name and location on our funders page on our website.

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 150

    Early Bird Discount (Large)

    Get 300 € in credit to use on our platform. This credit is only valid for our booking fee (7,5% on the booking price).

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 150

    Special Discount (Large)

    Get 200 euros in credit to use on our platform. This credit is only valid for our booking fee (7,5% of the total price)
    Receive our eternal gratitude and get your name and location on our funders page on our website.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 150

    Early Backer badge

    Receive a special badge on your profile so that everyone can see that you were one of the first to believe and support us. Your home will also be particularly advertised throughout the platform.
    Welcome call of Fairbnb team with all the Early backers
    Receive our eternal gratitude and get your name and location on our funders page on our website.

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 250

    Early Bird Discount (Extra large)

    Get 500 € in credit to use on our platform. This credit is only valid for our booking fee (7,5% on the booking price).

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 250

    Special Discount (Extra Large)

    Get 350 euros in credit to use on our platform. This credit is only valid for our booking fee (7,5% of the total price)
    Receive our eternal gratitude and get your name and location on our funders page on our website.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 400

    Fairbnb in your city?

    You will get a specific analysis about vacation rental and tourism impact in your city/area + a meeting with one or several members of our team to value the option of having your city as a future destination in our platform.
    Welcome call of Fairbnb team with all the Early backers
    Receive our eternal gratitude and get your name and location on our funders page on our website.

    > 03 Co-financiers

Añadimos Mataró a la lista de nuestro #FairbnbCoopTour

29 | 05 | 2019
Añadimos Mataró a la lista de nuestro #FairbnbCoopTour

Nos hace mucha ilusión comunicaros que gracias a la Xarxa de l'economia social i solidària (@xesmataro), añadimos la ciudad de Mataró al #FairbnbCoopTour

Breve descripción de XES Mataró:
Somos una red de personas y organizaciones que creemos que se pueden crear modelos económicos y sociales que respondan a las necesidades colectivas por delante de los intereses individuales para construir vidas que valgan la pena vivir. Queremos demostrar que se puede gestionar la economia de manera democrátic y horizontal manteniendo un compromiso sincero con el medio social, natural y local. Somos las que tenemos el convencimiento que cooperando se puede llegar más lejos que compitiendo.

Web: www.xesmataro.org

XES Mataró nos pone a disposición un espacio y su red de apoyo para la organización de un taller de codiseño y una presentación de Fairbnb.coop que tendrá lugar despues del verano.

Te recordamos que si quieres que organicemos un evento en tu ciudad estamos abiertos a propuestas. Solo necesitamos apoyo y un espacio. Si conoces organizaciones afines no dudes en hablarles de nuestro proyecto. Toda ayuda es bienvenida.

Aprovechamos para comentaros que ya tenemos espacio confirmado para Valencia y Bilbao. Pronto os contamos más.

En este video puedes descubrir más sobre XES Mataró


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