Fogones Mejorados de Adobe en Nicaragua

Finished 06 / 03 / 2014
$ 17,450
$ 12,584
$ 16,891
149 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 11

    Thank-you on the website

    Your name will appear in the thank-you-section or the website of colectivo zompopo

    > 30 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 39

    Personalized digital photo of an improved adobe stove

    We will choose a photo of an improved adobe stove recently realized and dedicate it to your name + acknowledgement on the website.

    > 11 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 56

    Personalized printed photo of an improved adobe stove

    We will choose a photo of an improved adobe stove recently realized and dedicate it to your name and send it to you + personalized digital photo + acknowledgement on the websit

    > 15 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 112

    Dedicated adobe paperweights

    A mini-adobe with your name or a phrase you send us engraved + personalized printed photo + personalized digital photo + acknowledgment on the website

    > 22 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 167

    Invitation to the Journey “Sharing the experience of the improved adobe stoves”

    We invite you to meet with us in person (or through videoconference, depending on your location) to share the experience of the project + dedicated adobe paperweights + personalized printed photo + personalized digital photo + acknowledgement on the website.

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 335

    Personalized calendar of the stoves

    Calendar with your own selection of twelve photos of the improved stoves you like most + invitation to the conference + dedicated adobe paperweights + personalized printed photo + personalized digital photo + acknowledgement on the website.

    > 08 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 558

    Patron of the project

    Your name and logo will appear on our website and in the manuals as an official patron of the project. You will also be mentioned in the press releases during the diffusion campaign + personalized calendar of the stoves + invitation to the conference + dedicated adobe paperweights + personalized printed photo + personalized digital photo + acknowledgement on the website.

    > 04 Co-financiers

¡Cuesta de enero en pelotón!

08 | 01 | 2014
¡Cuesta de enero en pelotón!

Tras las fiestas navideñas, dicen que se presenta una dura cuesta...
¡Nosotros estamos subiendo el Tourmalet en pelotón! ¡Somos un equipazo!

Además de los casi 100 corredores que se han sumado a la ascensión, tenemos cientos de seguidores animando nuestro esfuerzo. ¡Los periódicos ya hablan de esta hazaña colectiva!
En los últimos días, la gente se ha volcado dándonos muchas fuerzas. ¡Hoy hemos alcanzado el 90% y ya vemos la meta! ¡Solo queda el sprint final!
Somos conscientes de que esta etapa, de las más duras, la vamos a coronar pero aún queda mucha carrera por delante...

¡Agradecemos enormemente tantísimo esfuerzo y apoyo! ¡Esperando que no decaiga nunca!
¡Participa! ¡Apoya y difunde!


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