Contributing $ 109
Thank you!!!
Mention of the donor on our campaign wall as a thank you.
> 71 Co-financiers
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No more contributions to this campaign allowed.
Freedom for Fraguas! Because repopulate is not a crime.
Mention of the donor on our campaign wall as a thank you.
Mention of the donor on the wall of our campaign as a thank you and at the end of the campaign, we will raffle a pack of 24 organic craft beers.
Only shipments within Spain and Portugal. For the rest of Europe, shipping costs will be paid by the donor.
Beautiful signed drawing of the great Pipetron, magnificent artist of the neo-rural movement.
There is a maximum of 100 sheets, will be delivered to the first 100 people.
Only shipments within Spain and Portugal. For the rest of Europe, shipping costs will be paid by the donor.
Mención del donante en el muro de nuestra campaña en forma de agradecimiento y al final de la campaña, 3 boletos para el sorteo del pack de 24 cervezas artesanas ecológicas.
Solamente envíos dentro del Estado español y Portugal. Para el resto de Europa, gastos de envío corren a cuenta del donante.Mención del donante en el muro de nuestra campaña en forma de agradecimiento y al final
There will be 100 units distributed among the first donors.
Only shipments within Spain and Portugal. For the rest of Europe, shipping costs will be paid by the donor.
CD con grandes éxitos de artistas amigxs de Fraguas+Precioso dibujo firmado del gran Pipetron, magnifico artista del movimiento neorrural.
Solamente envíos dentro del Estado español y Portugal. Para el resto de Europa, gastos de envío corren a cuenta del donante.CD con grandes éxitos de artistas amigxs de Fraguas+Precioso dibujo firmado del gran Pipetron, magnifico artista del movimiento neorrural.
Solamente envíos dentro del Estado español y Portugal. Para el resto de Europa, gastos de envío corren a cuenta del donante.
Pack of 12 craft beers brewed with organically produced malts and hops.
Artisan tincture of cultivated oregano, with antiviral properties.
Only shipments within Spain and Portugal. For the rest of Europe, shipping costs are to be paid by the donor.
Great concert of the rapper Calla La Orden, you can listen to it:
Date to be agreed with the musicians and accommodation, transport and per diem expenses to be paid by the donor.
Great concert of this klezmer and balcan guitar duo that you can listen to:
Date to be agreed with the musicians and accommodation, transport and per diem expenses to be paid by the donor.
Concert of ¨ni Jota ni Jazz¨, fusion of popular musical styles. The repertoire experiments with traditional Hispanic songs along with universal classics of Afro-American music (blues, swing, bossa nova,...), European (Jazz Manouche, Celtic music) or own compositions.
The base of the group are three people, but we always like to expand the team on stage with intentional or spontaneous collaborations and thus create connections with colleagues in the guild or with musical projects elsewhere.
You can listen to it:
Date to be agreed with the musicians and accommodation, transport and per diem expenses to be paid by the donor.
Pack of 24 craft beers brewed with malts and lion hops from organic production.
Artisan wild hypericum oil for skin care.
Only shipments within Spain and Portugal. For the rest of Europe, shipping costs are to be paid by the donor.
Pack of 36 craft beers brewed with malts and hops from organic production.
Handmade tincture of Echinacea purpurea that strengthens the immune system.
Only shipments within Spain and Portugal. For the rest of Europe, shipping costs are to be paid by the donor.
Thank you!!!
Mention of the donor on our campaign wall as a thank you.
> 71 Co-financiers
Mention + raffle of 24 beers
Mention of the donor on the wall of our campaign as a thank you and at the end of the campaign, we will raffle a pack of 24 organic craft beers.
Only shipments within Spain and Portugal. For the rest of Europe, shipping costs will be paid by the donor.
> 313 Co-financiers
Print with illustration of Fraguas
Beautiful signed drawing of the great Pipetron, magnificent artist of the neo-rural movement.
There is a maximum of 100 sheets, will be delivered to the first 100 people.
Only shipments within Spain and Portugal. For the rest of Europe, shipping costs will be paid by the donor.
> 100 Co-financiers
Mención y 3 boletos para en sorteo de pack de 24 cervezas
Mención del donante en el muro de nuestra campaña en forma de agradecimiento y al final de la campaña, 3 boletos para el sorteo del pack de 24 cervezas artesanas ecológicas.
Solamente envíos dentro del Estado español y Portugal. Para el resto de Europa, gastos de envío corren a cuenta del donante.Mención del donante en el muro de nuestra campaña en forma de agradecimiento y al final
> 98 Co-financiers
CD with greatest hits by Fraguas' friends artists
There will be 100 units distributed among the first donors.
Only shipments within Spain and Portugal. For the rest of Europe, shipping costs will be paid by the donor.
> 100 Co-financiers
CD grandes éxitos+ lámina con ilustración Fraguas
CD con grandes éxitos de artistas amigxs de Fraguas+Precioso dibujo firmado del gran Pipetron, magnifico artista del movimiento neorrural.
Solamente envíos dentro del Estado español y Portugal. Para el resto de Europa, gastos de envío corren a cuenta del donante.CD con grandes éxitos de artistas amigxs de Fraguas+Precioso dibujo firmado del gran Pipetron, magnifico artista del movimiento neorrural.
Solamente envíos dentro del Estado español y Portugal. Para el resto de Europa, gastos de envío corren a cuenta del donante.
> 91 Co-financiers
12 organic craft beers + handcrafted oregano tincture
Pack of 12 craft beers brewed with organically produced malts and hops.
Artisan tincture of cultivated oregano, with antiviral properties.
Only shipments within Spain and Portugal. For the rest of Europe, shipping costs are to be paid by the donor.
> 03 Co-financiers
concert of the rapper Calla La Orden
Great concert of the rapper Calla La Orden, you can listen to it:
Date to be agreed with the musicians and accommodation, transport and per diem expenses to be paid by the donor.
> 01 Co-financiers
Concert of the Payos Klezmer Orkestar
Great concert of this klezmer and balcan guitar duo that you can listen to:
Date to be agreed with the musicians and accommodation, transport and per diem expenses to be paid by the donor.
> 00 Co-financiers
Concert of ¨ni Jota ni Jazz¨
Concert of ¨ni Jota ni Jazz¨, fusion of popular musical styles. The repertoire experiments with traditional Hispanic songs along with universal classics of Afro-American music (blues, swing, bossa nova,...), European (Jazz Manouche, Celtic music) or own compositions.
The base of the group are three people, but we always like to expand the team on stage with intentional or spontaneous collaborations and thus create connections with colleagues in the guild or with musical projects elsewhere.
You can listen to it:
Date to be agreed with the musicians and accommodation, transport and per diem expenses to be paid by the donor.
> 01 Co-financiers
24 craft beers + medicinal hypericum oil.
Pack of 24 craft beers brewed with malts and lion hops from organic production.
Artisan wild hypericum oil for skin care.
Only shipments within Spain and Portugal. For the rest of Europe, shipping costs are to be paid by the donor.
> 00 Co-financiers
36 craft beers + echinacea tincture.
Pack of 36 craft beers brewed with malts and hops from organic production.
Handmade tincture of Echinacea purpurea that strengthens the immune system.
Only shipments within Spain and Portugal. For the rest of Europe, shipping costs are to be paid by the donor.
> 00 Co-financiers