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Finished 16 / 09 / 2021
£ 10,261
£ 6,355
£ 10,168
221 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 8

    Your name on the Wall of ‘La Parcela’ in Cádiz!

    The name of all the people who contribute to this campaign will be posted on a wall of appreciation within the school garden itself. The wall of our hope

    > 42 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 17

    Postal digital calvichis + Your name

    You will receive a digital postal greeting. Design by one of our close friends from Calvichis. http://calvichis.com! .

    Your name in the Cadiz' Parcela's wall

    > 30 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 25

    Visita with a present or video + your name

    Guide visit to our cites if you live in Cadiz. Take a present woth our greetings

    Your name in the Cadiz' Parcela's wall

    Hacienda will refund 24€

    > 32 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 42

    Bag + Visit and present or phone call + your name

    The first Mar de Verde Bag.

    > 39 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 85

    Calvichis' T-Shirt + Visit with present or video + your name

    a Calvichis' at tehe Parcela. You'll receive the first La Mar de Verde t-shirt
    The first La marde Verde bag
    Visit guided if you live in Cadiz
    If you are not in Cadiz. You will receive a video to upgrade your home

    > 25 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 212

    Calvichis' personalized and T-Shirt + Bag + Visit with present or video + your name

    For the first 5 donors, our friends at https://calvichis.com will design a calvichis from the portrait you send and it will arrive printed on a sheet that will look great!

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 847

    La Mar de Verde Patronage + Solidarity Patronage

    We will support you to start an urban agriculture project if you are in the Bay of Cádiz.

    If you are outside of Cádiz, you will make it possible for a neighbourhood group with few resources to start their urban agriculture project alongside us
    Sponsor a neighborhood to take ‘La Mar de Verde’ there!

    A designer in ‘La Parcela’ T-shirt! You will receive the first ‘La Mar de Verde’ T-shirt designed by our friends at https://calvichis.com

    The first ‘La Mar de Verde’ bag!

    If you are outside of Cádiz we will send you a video guide to create an allotment garden in your home! And if you need it, we will call you to give personal advice.

    If you live in Cádiz, you can visit us and take away a thank you gift.

    Your name on the Wall of ‘La Parcela’ in Cádiz!

    Treasury returns € 417.5 as a natural person
    Treasury returns € 350 to you as a legal entity

    > 00 Co-financiers

Bailar por la Agricultura Urbana

28 | 07 | 2021
Bailar por la Agricultura Urbana

Cuando en La Mar de Verde estábamos pensando en esta campaña de crowfunding, la verdad es que no teníamos mucha confianza en poder alcanzar el objetivo mínimo. Ahora, cuando todavía quedan 10 días para concluir la primera ronda de la campaña, soñamos con conseguir el objetivo óptimo.
Gracias, gracias, gracias... a todas y cada una de las personas que habéis aportado vuestro dinero y vuestro tiempo, que habéis compartido y difundido la campaña, que habéis animado a otras personas a aportar.
Más allá del objetivo económico (que es muy importante para La Mar de Verde), la campaña está siendo una lección continua y estamos aprendiendo que hay mucha gente que se identifica con nuestro proyecto solidario, mucha gente generosa que entrega su creatividad y su arte para que sumen a la causa colectiva, gente que se inventa la manera para contribuir. El último ejemplo es el de la escuela de baile "Aro que Swing", que organiza un taller para recoger fondos con los que contribuir a la campaña.


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