¡Renovamos Goteo!

Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?

HUMAN | functional broths

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Finished 18 / 12 / 2022
$ 228,913
$ 117,962
$ 347,933
102 Co-financiers
Matchfunding Agents
match invests
Arrela't Alt Pirineu i Aran 2022
Completado ($ 88,196)
  • Contributing $ 220

    The first of many!

    • A pot of broth to choose between the three of the family:

    • Pure veal 🐮
      Beef with shiitake 🐮 🍄
      Herb Roast Chicken 🍗 🌿 *
      All in 440ml format

    • Your name on the HUMA website, thanking you for your collaboration.

    • A sample of the recipe ebook that we will publish.

    (You can go pick it up for free at one of the points that we will update here, as we confirm according to areas 😉)

    Remember that this is a donation and you can deduct up to 80% of your contributions:
    Calculate it here

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 397

    The duo

    • Two pots of broth to choose between the three of the family:

    • Pure veal 🐮
      Beef with shiitake 🐮 🍄
      Herb Roast Chicken 🍗 🌿 *
      All in 440ml format

    • Your name on the HUMA website, thanking you for your collaboration.

    • A sample of the recipe ebook that we will publish.

    (You can go pick it up for free at one of the points that we will update on the blog, as we confirm according to areas 😉)

    Remember that this is a donation and you can deduct up to 80% of your contributions:
    Calculate it here

    > 06 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 529

    A case for the fastest! (early birds)

    For being one of the fastest, you will receive an exclusive case designed just for this campaign and that you will find:

    • Three pots of broth, one of each, so you can try them all:

    • Pure veal 🐮
      Beef with shiitake 🐮 🍄
      Herb Roast Chicken 🍗 🌿 *
      All in 440ml format

    • Your name on the HUMA website, thanking you for your collaboration.

    • Personalized commemorative flyer.

    • A sample of the recipe ebook that we will publish.

    (You can go pick it up for free at one of the points that we will update on the blog, as we confirm according to areas 😉)

    Remember that this is a donation and you can deduct up to 80% of your contributions:
    Calculate it here

    > 15 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 706

    The trio and shipping

    Thanks to your contribution you will receive:

    • Three pots of broth to choose between the three of the family:

    • Pure veal 🐮
      Beef with shiitake 🐮 🍄
      Herb Roast Chicken 🍗 🌿 *
      All in 440ml format

    • Your name on the HUMA website, thanking you for your collaboration.

    • A sample of the recipe ebook that we will publish.

    • We send it to your home! (postage included only Spain)
      Remember that this is a donation and you can deduct up to 80% of your contributions:
      Calculate it here

    > 25 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,257

    Case with the trio and cup that goes to your house!

    Thanks to your contribution, you will receive:

    • An exclusive case designed only for the campaign in which you will find:
      Three pots of broth, one of each, so you can try them all:

    • Pure veal 🐮
      Beef with shiitake 🐮 🍄
      Herb Roast Chicken 🍗 🌿 *
      All in 440ml format

    • Your name on the HUMA website, thanking you for your collaboration.

    • Commemorative flyer.

    • The e-book of recipes that we will publish for sale and that you will receive for free.

    • HUMA's exclusive mug , so you can enjoy hot broth whenever you feel like it.

    • In addition you will be part of the HUMA club, a club where you will obtain benefits in gyms, stores, nutritionists... collaborators as well as being the first to enjoy HUMA promotions, either having special prices or being the first to try new products, for example.

    • Shipping included! (postage included only Spain)
      Remember that this is a donation and you can deduct up to 80% of your contributions:
      Calculate it here

    > 17 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,588

    The box for the fastest! (early birds)

    For you who are one of the first and fastest, you will receive a box in which you will find:

    • Six pots of broth that you can choose between the ones you prefer:

    • Pure veal 🐮
      Beef with shiitake 🐮 🍄
      Herb Roast Chicken 🍗 🌿 *
      All in 440ml format

    • Your name on the HUMA website, thanking you for your collaboration.

    • Commemorative flyer.

    • The recipe ebook that we will publish for sale and that you will receive for free.

    • HUMA's exclusive mug , so you can enjoy hot broth whenever you feel like it.

    • In addition you will be part of the HUMA Club, a club where you will obtain benefits in gyms, stores, nutritionists... collaborators as well as being the first to enjoy HUMA promotions, either having special prices or being the first to try new products, for example.

    • Shipping included! (postage included only Spain)
      Remember that this is a donation and you can deduct up to 80% of your contributions:
      Calculate it here

    > 09 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 2,095

    The first box!

    You will receive a box in which you will find:

    • Six pots of broth that you can choose between the ones you prefer:

    • Pure veal 🐮
      Beef with shiitake 🐮 🍄
      Herb Roast Chicken 🍗 🌿 *
      All in 440ml format

    • Your name on the HUMA website, thanking you for your collaboration.

    • Commemorative flyer.

    • The recipe ebook that we will publish for sale and that you will receive for free.

    • HUMA's exclusive mug , so you can enjoy hot broth whenever you feel like it.

    • In addition you will be part of the HUMA Club, a club where you will obtain benefits in gyms, stores, nutritionists... collaborators as well as being the first to enjoy HUMA promotions, either having special prices or being the first to try new products, for example.

    • Shipping included! (postage included only Spain)
      Remember that this is a donation and you can deduct up to 80% of your contributions:
      Calculate it here

    > 08 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 5,512

    A month of broth!

    You will receive 5 boxes in which you will find:

    • Six cans of broth in each of the boxes, which you can choose between the ones you prefer:

    • Pure veal 🐮
      Beef with shiitake 🐮 🍄
      Herb Roast Chicken 🍗 🌿*
      All in 440ml format
      In total you will receive 30 pots of broth so you can enjoy every day with any of them and try recipes because you will also have:

    • Your name on the HUMA website, thanking you for your collaboration.

    • Commemorative flyer.

    • The recipe ebook that we will publish for sale and that you will receive for free.

    • HUMA's exclusive cup, so you can enjoy hot broth whenever you feel like it.

    • In addition you will be part of the HUMA Club, a club where you will obtain benefits in gyms, stores, nutritionists... collaborators as well as being the first to enjoy HUMA promotions, either having special prices or being the first to try new products, for example.

    • Shipping included! (postage included only Spain)
      Remember that this is a donation and you can deduct up to 80% of your contributions:
      Calculate it here

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 11,025

    Come meet us!

    We propose a view of a weekend with the person you choose, so that we can get to know each other and get to know the Vall de Boí.
    You will have two hotel nights, with a good typical breakfast of the area and we will meet the protagonists of our broth, visiting one of the farms in the area, if they are still in the stables or we will go and give them salt, if they already graze in the mountains.
    Of course, you will take home a box in which you will find:

    • Six pots of broth that you can choose between the ones you prefer:
    • Pure veal 🐮
      Beef with shiitake 🐮 🍄
      Herb Roast Chicken 🍗 🌿*
      All in 440ml format
    • Your name on the HUMA website, thanking you for your collaboration in a very special way and in a preferred location.
    • Commemorative flyer.
    • The recipe ebook that we will publish for sale and that you will receive for free.
    • Two exclusive HUMA cups, so that you and your companion can enjoy the hot broth whenever you feel like it.
    • In addition you will be part of the HUMA Club, a club where you will obtain benefits in gyms, stores, nutritionists... collaborators as well as being the first to enjoy HUMA promotions, either having special prices or being the first to try new products, for example.

    Remember that this is a donation and therefore you can deduct up to 80% of your contributions on your statement.
    Calculate it here

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 22,049

    Exclusive for you!

    Are you a store, a gym, an institution... wanting to have a limited edition to promote your business, your territory?
    Are you an influencer and want to give a gift to your followers? Or are you an individual who wants something special for you or to give as a gift?
    If you want something unique and special, here we will make it possible. Because this reward is yours.
    We will create between you and me a batch of personalized broth of about 30 liters, with the ingredients that you prefer and just for you.
    We will do it as it should, with your analysis of nutritional values in the laboratory, we will design a personalized label, exclusive and only for the occasion, to be a plus for your brand or business.
    You will receive the production in the place you decide. (postage included only Spain)
    You can also be part of the HUMA Club collaborating Team, so that we can create links between producers, companies and clients.
    You will receive, separately and as a thank you for what you have contributed:

    • An exclusive case designed only for the campaign in which you will find:
    • Three pots of broth, one of each, so you can try them all:
    • Pure veal 🐮
      Beef with shiitake 🐮 🍄
      Herb Roast Chicken 🍗 🌿 *
      All in 440ml format
    • Your name on the HUMA website, thanking you for your collaboration in a very special way and in a preferred location.
    • Commemorative flyer.
    • The recipe ebook that we will publish for sale and that you will receive for free.
    • HUMA's exclusive cup, so you can enjoy hot broth whenever you feel like it.

    Remember that this is a donation and you can deduct up to 80% of your contributions if you are an individual or up to 35% if you are a company.
    Calculate it here

    > 00 Co-financiers

Tenia que deciros algunas cositas

31 | 12 | 2022

Cuando quedan los últimos coletazos de este 2022 no podia dejar perder la ocasión, para agradecer a todas las personas que habeis colaborado en el proyecto, especialmente en el micromecenazgo.

He querido hacer recuento de recompensas para así poder planificar producciones y entregas y las cifras...son estas.
Más de 10.000€ recaudados en dos meses! 🔥

Muy feliz de tenerte en esta familia que acaba de empezar.

También he querido aprovechar para informar y avanzar un par de cosillas que te van a interesar y que encontraras en las imagenes.

Un fuerte abrazo, felices fiestas y espero que las hayas disfrutado de la mejor manera posible.

Te veo por aquí!


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