¡Renovamos Goteo!

Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?

La Atalaya

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Finished 19 / 08 / 2022
€ 12.580
€ 11.500
€ 34.700
149 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 5

    Invitation to Open Day in La Atalaya

    All those interested in cooperating with the project of La Atalaya, both economically and participatively, are invited to come see the new space in an Open Day to be held in autumn. Our idea is to share with all of you a picnic, explore our forest with its new classrooms, which we will finish building at the end of summer, and discover some of the surprises we are preparing to enjoy and celebrate together as Atalaya continues to grow. We look forward to seeing you!

    > 09 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 20

    Original story of Tejeletreje Theatre: "The Watchtower (Atalaya) of the Forest"

    Original story of Tejeletreje Theatre: "The Watchtower (Atalaya) of the Forest"
    Tejeletreje Teatro is a project of Respectful Storytellers whose founders are part Atalaya (some as assistants, others as Mothers). And they have created a story especially for this collective effort that we are making through Goteo, with our team, at the helm of the boat, and you contributing your part from your home.
    All people who participate in this campaign will receive the story in audiovisual format, so you can enjoy it at home as many times as you want. The story is unpublished and will only be released when this Crowfunding is done, just for our collaborators, since it will not be published on any digital platform, or social networks. It is a special gift, created and made for all of you.

    > 09 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 20

    Calendar illustrated by Clara Luna.

    Color calendar illustrated by Clara Luna, with a beautiful design from the story "Chiquitina", by the author María José Rodríguez Gómez. Its authors give us an incredible illustration of this wonderful work, essential in any library, so that we make a gift that reminds you all year that you have participated in a project, that every day, makes a lot of kids happy and the adults they accompany.
    We believe that all contributions are invaluable, and we do not want to reward some more than others, since the economic effort to collaborate is unique and each context different. That’s why we offer the same rewards for everyone, regardless of the amount contributed.
    However, as the video with the story and the calendars have production costs, printing, etc they will be offered so that the minimum costs are covered, that is, from 10 and 20 euros respectively.
    To sum up... All the people who collaborate are invited to the Open Day, those who do with 10 euros, will also receive the story in audiovisual format; and those who give 20 euros, whatever the amount contributed, will also receive the calendar as a gift
    .We’re not shipping for ecological reasons. You can pick up your 2023 calendar at the Open Day, which will be held in autumn.

    > 11 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 30

    The three previous rewards

    From 20€ and whatever you contribute, you will receive an invitation to the Open Day to be held in autumn, the 2023 color calendar illustrated by Clara Luna (with a beautiful drawing of the story "Chiquitina" by María José Rodríguez), and the unpublished story of Tejeletreje Teatro created for La Atalaya.
    The important thing is your collaboration, whatever you can contribute is a great gift for us!
    With your drops we water our roots!

    > 19 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 50

    The three previous rewards

    From 20€ and whatever you contribute, you will receive an invitation to the Open Day to be held in autumn, the 2023 color calendar illustrated by Clara Luna (with a beautiful drawing of the story "Chiquitina" by María José Rodríguez), and the unpublished story of Tejeletreje Teatro created for La Atalaya.
    The important thing is your collaboration, whatever you can contribute is a great gift for us!
    With your drops we water our roots!

    > 13 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 50

    Semillas libres del Tietar

    Semillas libres del Valle del Tietar más las tres recompensas anteriores
    Queremos ofrecer un regalito especial a todas aquellas personas que os animéis a apoyarnos en esta recta final.... Semillas libres del Valle del Tietar!! 🌱

    Porque nada crece sin raíces... Y es muy importante mantener vivas las variedades autóctonas... Queremos compartir con vosotras un pedacito de nuestra tierra y de sus frutos....
    Apoyándonos colaboras en una educación consciente y respetuosa con nuestro entorno!!

    🍁La Zarzosa, una cooperativa agroecológica vecina, nos comparte algunas variedades de verduras, hortalizas y legumbres, de su banco de semillas. Para que puedas sembrarlas, en tu huerta, jardín o incluso en unas macetitas en tu ventana!

    Todas las personas que apoyen a La Atalaya a partir de 50 euros recibirán por correo un paquetito con cinco variedades distintas:
    🍅🍆 Cebolla, tomate, judía carilla, garbanzo pedrosillano, melón, sandia... Sorpresa!! 🍆🍎

    ☀️Porque todos los seres vivos crecemos mejor con una buena tierra, agua, sol y un poquito de respeto y de amor!

    Además te corresponden, por supuesto, todas las recompensas anteriores, a recoger en la Jornada de Puertas Abiertas que celebraremos en otoño en nuestro nuevo espacio: Calendario del 2023 ilustrado por Clara Luna, Cuento en formato audiovisual "Nada crece sin raíces" La Historia de La Atalaya, interpretado por Tejeletreje Teatro!!

    Anímate y recuerda que al tratarse de una donación, Hacienda te devuelve entre el 80 y el 35% del dinerito que nos entregues.

    Puedes comprobar cuanto con la calculadora de Goteo pinchando aqui: goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 80

    The three previous rewards

    From 20€ and whatever you contribute, you will receive an invitation to the Open Day to be held in autumn, the 2023 color calendar illustrated by Clara Luna (with a beautiful drawing of the story "Chiquitina" by María José Rodríguez), and the unpublished story of Tejeletreje Teatro created for La Atalaya.
    The important thing is your collaboration, whatever you can contribute is a great gift for us!
    With your drops we water our roots!

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 100

    The three previous rewards

    From 20€ and whatever you contribute, you will receive an invitation to the Open Day to be held in autumn, the 2023 color calendar illustrated by Clara Luna (with a beautiful drawing of the story "Chiquitina" by María José Rodríguez), and the unpublished story of Tejeletreje Teatro created for La Atalaya.
    The important thing is your collaboration, whatever you can contribute is a great gift for us!
    With your drops we water our roots!

    > 19 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 200

    The three previous rewards

    From 20€ and whatever you contribute, you will receive an invitation to the Open Day to be held in autumn, the 2023 color calendar illustrated by Clara Luna (with a beautiful drawing of the story "Chiquitina" by María José Rodríguez), and the unpublished story of Tejeletreje Teatro created for La Atalaya.
    The important thing is your collaboration, whatever you can contribute is a great gift for us!
    With your drops we water our roots!

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 300

    The three previous rewards

    From 20€ and whatever you contribute, you will receive an invitation to the Open Day to be held in autumn, the 2023 color calendar illustrated by Clara Luna (with a beautiful drawing of the story "Chiquitina" by María José Rodríguez), and the unpublished story of Tejeletreje Teatro created for La Atalaya.
    The important thing is your collaboration, whatever you can contribute is a great gift for us!
    With your drops we water our roots!

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 500

    The three previous rewards

    From 20€ and whatever you contribute, you will receive an invitation to the Open Day to be held in autumn, the 2023 color calendar illustrated by Clara Luna (with a beautiful drawing of the story "Chiquitina" by María José Rodríguez), and the unpublished story of Tejeletreje Teatro created for La Atalaya.
    The important thing is your collaboration, whatever you can contribute is a great gift for us!
    With your drops we water our roots!

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 1.000

    The three previous rewards

    From 20€ and whatever you contribute, you will receive an invitation to the Open Day to be held in autumn, the 2023 color calendar illustrated by Clara Luna (with a beautiful drawing of the story "Chiquitina" by María José Rodríguez), and the unpublished story of Tejeletreje Teatro created for La Atalaya.
    The important thing is your collaboration, whatever you can contribute is a great gift for us!
    With your drops we water our roots!

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 1.500

    The three previous rewards

    From 20€ and whatever you contribute, you will receive an invitation to the Open Day to be held in autumn, the 2023 color calendar illustrated by Clara Luna (with a beautiful drawing of the story "Chiquitina" by María José Rodríguez), and the unpublished story of Tejeletreje Teatro created for La Atalaya.
    The important thing is your collaboration, whatever you can contribute is a great gift for us!
    With your drops we water our roots!

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 2.000

    The three previous rewards

    From 20€ and whatever you contribute, you will receive an invitation to the Open Day to be held in autumn, the 2023 color calendar illustrated by Clara Luna (with a beautiful drawing of the story "Chiquitina" by María José Rodríguez), and the unpublished story of Tejeletreje Teatro created for La Atalaya.
    The important thing is your collaboration, whatever you can contribute is a great gift for us!
    With your drops we water our roots!

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 3.000

    The three previous rewards

    From 20€ and whatever you contribute, you will receive an invitation to the Open Day to be held in autumn, the 2023 color calendar illustrated by Clara Luna (with a beautiful drawing of the story "Chiquitina" by María José Rodríguez), and the unpublished story of Tejeletreje Teatro created for La Atalaya.
    The important thing is your collaboration, whatever you can contribute is a great gift for us!
    With your drops we water our roots!

    > 00 Co-financiers

El cuarto capítulo de "Nada crece sin raíces" ya está aquí!!

29 | 06 | 2022
El cuarto capítulo de

Queridas colaboradoras y colaboradores, hoy os escribimos solamente para compartir con todxs vosotrxs el cuarto capítulo de nuestro particular "culebrón", el cuento de La Atalaya, "Nada crece sin raíces".
Deseamos que os guste, y que en este tramo final de campaña, si quereís, compartais este proyecto con las personas que creaís que les puede interesar.
Un abrazo de todo el equipo de La Atalaya!! Gracias de nuevo por apoyarnos en esta travesía!



Alejandro Artacho
Hace 2 years
¡Qué bien está quedando! Es increíble la poca tecnología que se requiere para proyectar la gran tecnología de nuestro corazón ... dicho de otra forma, si se hubiera hecho con medios más grandilocuentes la aportación del corazón habría quedado minimizada ... Gracias al todo el equipo y en especial a Kika por este regalo! y enhorabuena por haber llegado al objetivo de cofinanciación!!! Muchas felicidades!!! Gracias por hacer realidad nuestros sueños!!! Decrecimiento feliz en estado puro!!!

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