¡Renovamos Goteo!

Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?

My Way Out (Ni Naiz Naizena)

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  • Contributing $ 5


    Thank you on all our social networking sites + Final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film

    > 13 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 27

    T Girl

    Thank you on all our social networking sites + Possibility to see the film online before it is screened commercially + Final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film

    > 16 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 38


    Thank you on all our social networking sites + Possibility to see the film online before it is screened commercially + Final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film + Digital poster signed by the team + A personalised film still signed by the director + Official film T-shirt

    > 06 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 54


    Thank you on all our social networking sites + Possibility to see the film online before it is screened commercially + Final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film + Digital poster signed by the team + A personalised film still signed by the director + Official film T-shirt+ possibility to be present at the shooting (on a date agreed with the producer) + 1 invitation to the private screening of the film (does not include accommodation, travel etc.)

    > 20 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 109


    Thank you on all our social networking sites + Possibility to see the film online before it is screened commercially + Final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film + Digital poster signed by the team + A personalised film still signed by the director + possibility to be present at the shooting (on a date agreed with the producer) + 2 invitations to the private screening of the film (does not include accommodation, travel etc.) + 4 invitations to the wrap party (does not include accommodation, travel etc.) + Official film T-shirt + Yogurinha Borova's latest album POLIAMOR

    > 08 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 544

    Way Out

    Thank you on all our social networking sites + Possibility to see the film online before it is screened commercially + Final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film + Digital poster signed by the team + A personalised film still signed by the director + possibility to be present at the shooting (on a date agreed with the producer) + 2 invitations to the private screening of the film (does not include accommodation, travel etc.) + 4 invitations to the wrap party (does not include accommodation, travel etc.) + Official gilm T-shirt + Yogurinha Borova's latest album POLIAMOR + Film script with director's notes + Sponsor end credit and on all marketing material (poster, handout etc. ) +Screening exclusive for the sponsor and Q&A with the team(on a date agreed with IZAR Films) +Company/association/institution logo on end credits

    > 06 Co-financiers

[EUS] Azken berriak!

11 | 03 | 2020

Lehengo urtean izan zen gure azken komunikazioa eta ordutik gauzak aurrera joan dira, geldiune baten ondoren. Mezu honekin, zuek babestutako gure proiektuen berri eman nahi dizuegu. Gure azken mezuan esan genizuen bezala, hasierako dokumentala 2 proiektu desberdinetan banatu genuen:

  • NI Naiz Naizena (websaila)
  • My Way Out (dokumentala)

    Websailari dagokionez, kapitulu pilotua ekoizteko laguntza txiki batzuk jaso genituen 2deo egitasmotik, Gipuzkoako Foru Aldunditik eta Eusko Jaurlaritzako sormen fabrikatik. Laguntza horrekin pilotua egiten aritu gara eta datozen asteetan bukatuko dugu. Eta noski, zuek izango zarete kapitulua ikusiko duzuen lehenengo pertsonak! Kapitulu zoragarria ateratzen ari da, Aitzole Araneta protagonista duelarik.
    Proiektu honekin gertatu den gauzarik garrantzitsuena GEHITU elkartea eta Mugen Gainetik babesle gisa sartu direla eta honi esker 10 minututako 10 atal egin ahal izango ditugula. 10 atal osoak 2021 urte hasieran ikusi ahal izango dira, horretarako apropos sortuko duten webgune batean.

    Bestalde MY WAY OUT dokumentala daukagu. Grabaketa guztiak burutu genituen 2018 eta 2019an eta datozen asteetan muntai lanekin hasiko gara. Ekoizkide berriak ditugu, musika eta soinu postprodukzioaz arduratuko diren Alternative Content enpresa. Eskarmentu handiko soinu enpresa da eta oso gustura ari gara elkarlanean. Proiektu hau pasa den Zinegoak zinemaldian Work in Progress atalean aurkeztu genuen, eta harrera ederra izan zuen.

    Ikusten duzuen moduan lan ASKO egin dugu eta azken txanpan gaude. Laster idatziko dizuegu berriro baina bitartean 2 proiektuetako irudi batzuk bidaltzen dizkizuegu.
    Laster arte eta ESKERRIK ASKO!


IZAR Films
Hace 5 years
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