Contributing £ 4
Thank you on all our social networking sites + Final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film
> 13 Co-financiers
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My Way Out (Ni Naiz Naizena)
Thank you on all our social networking sites + Final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film
Thank you on all our social networking sites + Possibility to see the film online before it is screened commercially + Final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film
Thank you on all our social networking sites + Possibility to see the film online before it is screened commercially + Final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film + Digital poster signed by the team + A personalised film still signed by the director + Official film T-shirt
Thank you on all our social networking sites + Possibility to see the film online before it is screened commercially + Final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film + Digital poster signed by the team + A personalised film still signed by the director + Official film T-shirt+ possibility to be present at the shooting (on a date agreed with the producer) + 1 invitation to the private screening of the film (does not include accommodation, travel etc.)
Thank you on all our social networking sites + Possibility to see the film online before it is screened commercially + Final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film + Digital poster signed by the team + A personalised film still signed by the director + possibility to be present at the shooting (on a date agreed with the producer) + 2 invitations to the private screening of the film (does not include accommodation, travel etc.) + 4 invitations to the wrap party (does not include accommodation, travel etc.) + Official film T-shirt + Yogurinha Borova's latest album POLIAMOR
Thank you on all our social networking sites + Possibility to see the film online before it is screened commercially + Final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film + Digital poster signed by the team + A personalised film still signed by the director + possibility to be present at the shooting (on a date agreed with the producer) + 2 invitations to the private screening of the film (does not include accommodation, travel etc.) + 4 invitations to the wrap party (does not include accommodation, travel etc.) + Official gilm T-shirt + Yogurinha Borova's latest album POLIAMOR + Film script with director's notes + Sponsor end credit and on all marketing material (poster, handout etc. ) +Screening exclusive for the sponsor and Q&A with the team(on a date agreed with IZAR Films) +Company/association/institution logo on end credits
Kaixo bidelagun!
Urtea amaitu aurretik mezu hau bidali nahi dizugu gure filmaren azken berriak kontatzeko.
Zuri eskerrak Crowdfunding kanpaina arrakastatsu bat egitea lortu dugu eta 2018an gure dokumentala filmatzeari ekingo diogu. Pixkanaka egingo dugun prozesu luzea izango da, apirilaren bukaeratik hasita eta guztiaren berri emango dizugu, argazkiak eta grabaketa zatiak zurekin partekatuz. Espero dugu 2018 bukaerako filma bukatuta egotea.
Preprodukzioan murgildurik gaude orain eta zuen sariak prestatzen ari gara. Garaia iristean jarriko gara berriz kontaktuan.
Honekin batera URTE BERRI ZORAGARRI bat opa dizugu! 2018an jarraituko dugu kontaktuan. Izan zoriontsu!
Hola compañer@!
Antes de que termine el año, queremos contarte las últimas novedades sobre nuestra película.
Gracias a tu aportación hemos conseguido terminar nuestra campaña Crowdfunding con éxito y podremos empezar a filmar nuestro documental en el 2018. Va a ser un largo proceso que realizaremos poco a poco, empezando a finales de abril y te informaremos de cada paso, compartiendo contigo fotos y momentos de la grabación. Esperamos que para finales del 2018 el documental se podrá estrenar.
Ahora mismo estamos sumergidas en la preproducción y estamos preparando vuestras recompensas. Cuando llegue el momento nos volveremos a poner en contacto contigo para el envío.
Aprovechamos para desearte un MARAVILLOSO AÑO NUEVO! Seguiremos en contacto en el 2018. Que seas muy feliz!
Hello dear funder!
We wanted to update you on our film before the end of this year.
Thanks to your contribution we have managed to finish a successful crowdfunding campaign and we will start filming our documentary in 2018. It will be a very long process starting at the end of April and we will inform you every step of the way sharing info, pictures and bits of filming with you. We hope to have a finished film by the end of 2018.
We are currently immersed in preproduction and we are preparing your rewards. We will contact you again when the time comes to arrange delivery.
We take this oportunity to wish you a WONDERFUL NEW YEAR! We will stay in touch during 2018. Be very happy!
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Thank you on all our social networking sites + Final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film
> 13 Co-financiers
T Girl
Thank you on all our social networking sites + Possibility to see the film online before it is screened commercially + Final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film
> 16 Co-financiers
Thank you on all our social networking sites + Possibility to see the film online before it is screened commercially + Final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film + Digital poster signed by the team + A personalised film still signed by the director + Official film T-shirt
> 06 Co-financiers
Thank you on all our social networking sites + Possibility to see the film online before it is screened commercially + Final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film + Digital poster signed by the team + A personalised film still signed by the director + Official film T-shirt+ possibility to be present at the shooting (on a date agreed with the producer) + 1 invitation to the private screening of the film (does not include accommodation, travel etc.)
> 20 Co-financiers
Thank you on all our social networking sites + Possibility to see the film online before it is screened commercially + Final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film + Digital poster signed by the team + A personalised film still signed by the director + possibility to be present at the shooting (on a date agreed with the producer) + 2 invitations to the private screening of the film (does not include accommodation, travel etc.) + 4 invitations to the wrap party (does not include accommodation, travel etc.) + Official film T-shirt + Yogurinha Borova's latest album POLIAMOR
> 08 Co-financiers
Way Out
Thank you on all our social networking sites + Possibility to see the film online before it is screened commercially + Final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film + Digital poster signed by the team + A personalised film still signed by the director + possibility to be present at the shooting (on a date agreed with the producer) + 2 invitations to the private screening of the film (does not include accommodation, travel etc.) + 4 invitations to the wrap party (does not include accommodation, travel etc.) + Official gilm T-shirt + Yogurinha Borova's latest album POLIAMOR + Film script with director's notes + Sponsor end credit and on all marketing material (poster, handout etc. ) +Screening exclusive for the sponsor and Q&A with the team(on a date agreed with IZAR Films) +Company/association/institution logo on end credits
> 06 Co-financiers
Communication management for the campaign and the documentary internationally.
Wardrobe hire/loan/design for Yogurinha Borova.