¡Renovamos Goteo!

Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?

Our Shared Scenario (nuestro escenario compartido)

  • Contributing $ 106

    Contribution icon

    Icon showing your contribution to the project, for being placed on a web page, blog and on the social networks, with a link to the project page.

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 213

    Animated Gif

    Animated GIF referential to the project, for being placed on a web page, blog and on the social networks that allow animated GIFS. Is accompanied by the precedent reward.

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 425

    Image from the project with special knowledge

    Virtual image for downloading that will be one of the images created by the kids in the pilot project, with an special knowledge for the collaboration. Is accompanied by the precedent rewards.

    > 27 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 851

    Set of screen-savers

    Set of images with graphical content derived of the results of the pilot experience, to be used as screen-savers. Are accompanied by the precedent rewards.

    > 20 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 2,127

    Video of the pilot experience with an inclusion in the credits

    Video edited with documentary footage of the pilot experience with a personalized dedicatory and an inclusion in the credits as a contributor. Is accompanied by the precedent rewards.

    > 06 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 4,254

    Directory of school centers and associations interested in the project as participants.

    Spreading a directory of school centers or associations interested on collaborating, helping in keeping contact between potential partners. Is accompanied by the precedent rewards.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 5,318

    Updated Directory of school centers and associations interested in the project as participants.

    This directory will be regularly updated during the following year after the final of the campaign. Is accompanied by the precedent rewards.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 8,509

    Preferential attention + acknowledge of the support in the web page of the project.

    Preferential attention for establish contacts, monitoring and developing of an experience with another group. Inclussion of the logo of the association in the webpage of the project. Is accompanied by the precedent rewards.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 21,271

    Preferential attention / Possibility of execution of the workshop by ourselves

    Is included the option that one of the members of the team of OSS could provide the execution of the workshop in the place where it will be done (travel and maintenance not included), participating on the training of the managers of future replications. If this option could not be possible, for the impossibility of paying the travel or maintenace, the attention would consist on the developing of the workshop dynamics along the duration of the first one imparted by the collaborator association or entity. Is accompanied by the precedent rewards.

    > 01 Co-financiers

Lo estuvimos disfrutando en Sabadell / Ho estiguérem disfrutant a Sabadell / We were enjoying it in Sabadell

17 | 11 | 2014

Este último viernes 14 hemos llevado a cabo el segundo testeo importante de OSS.


Lo más importante es que se ha realizado con alumnos, de entre 8 y 9 años, de una escuela de Sabadell. Es decir, esta ha sido la primera vez que lo hemos estado probando con un grupo de niños venidos a propósito para ayudarnos.

Hemos tenido la posibilidad de descubrir si la actividad interesaba (o hasta cautivaba) a los usuarios. Hemos podido comprobar también los puntos fuertes y aquellos que es necesario limar (como es habitual, de lo que podría funcionar mejor tan solo nos damos cuenta nosotros, porque los niños implicados están demasiado ocupados pasándolo bien).


Debido a una serie de pequeños malentendidos respecto a la ubicación del MediaEstruch en relación al centro escolar del que venían, la sesión que pensábamos iba ser de unas cuatro horas acabó viéndose recortada a dos horas y media, por lo que tuvimos que ajustarnos un poco e incluso correr en algunos momentos. Tuvimos tiempo para presentarnos, explicar el proyecto a los niños, abocetar para dibujar posteriormente con el software que hemos estado realizando a propósito, y finalmente expresarnos con nuestros personajes en un sistema combinado de dos ordenadores con proyectores (que, aunque conectados vía internet estaban en la misma sala). Tuvimos tiempo de casi todo excepto de pensar una pequeña historia que sirviera para vincular nuestras creaciones gráficas a una representación. Esto queda para la siguiente ocasión, porque ha quedado clarísimo que lo que tenemos entre manos es una herramienta muy potente que se disfruta de verdad.

Vamos a tratar, por mediación del Estruch, de seguir en contacto con escuelas de Sabadell para desarrollar programas de sesiones más largas y vinculadas entre ellas.

De momento, ya estamos enfocados en el próximo testeo, que será dentro de un mes.


Queremos agradecer a todos los niños que vinieron a echarnos una mano este pasado viernes, y a todos los adultos implicados en que ello pudiera ser. Hemos extraído muchas buenas conclusiones e ideas de estos últimos días.


¡Hasta la próxima!


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*** Català



Aquest darrer divendres 14 hem estat portant a terme el segon testeig important d’OSS.


El més important és que s’ha realitzat amb alumnes d’entre 8 i 9 anys d’una escola de Sabadell. És a dir, aquesta ha estat la primera vegada que l’hem pogut provar amb un grup de nens i nenes vinguts expressament per ajudar-nos.

Hem tingut la possibilitat de descobrir si la activitat interessava (o fins i tot captivava) als usuaris. Hem pogut comprovar també els punts forts i aquells que és encara necessari llimar (com és habitual, del que podria funcionar millor tan sols ens donem compte nosaltres, per que els nens estaven massa ocupats passant-ho bé).


Degut a una sèrie de petits malentesos respecte a la ubicació del MediaEstruch en relació al centre escolar del que venien, la sessió que pensàvem que anava a ser de quatre hores es va haver de retallar a dues hores i mitja, per lo que vam haver d’ajustar-nos una mica e inclús córrer en alguns moments.

Vam tenir temps de presentar-nos, d’explicar el projecte als nens, de bosquejar per a realitzar posteriorment amb el software que hem estat realitzant a propòsit. Finalment, vam tenir també temps d’expressar-nos amb el nostres personatges en un sistema combinat de dos ordinadors amb dos projectors (que, encara que connectats via internet es trovaven en la mateixa sala). Vam tenir temps de gairebé tot excepte de pensar una petita història que pogués servir per vincular les nostres creacions gràfiques a una representació. Això es queda per a la següent ocasió, perque ha quedat claríssim que el que tenim entre mans és una eina molt potent que es pot disfrutar de veres.

Tractarem, per mediació de l’Estruch, de seguir en contacte amb escoles de Sabadell per a desenvolupar programes de sessions més llargues i vinculades entre elles.

De moment, ja estem enfocats en el proper testeig, que sirà d’aquí a un mes.


Volem agraïr a tots els nens que van venir a ajudar-nos aquest passat divendres, i a tots els adults implicats en que això pogués ser. Hem extret moltes bones conclusions e idees d’aquests darrers dies.


Fins a la propera!


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*** English


We were enjoying it in Sabadell


That last friday 14, we did the second important testing of OSS.


The most important thing to say, it’s that this one was done with students, between 8 and 9 years old, from a school in Sabadell. So it has been the first time we tested it with a group of children that came in purpose to help us.

We have had the possibility to discover if the users were interested (or even captived) in the activity. We also had the chance to verify the strong points of the project, as well as those that are in need of changes (as usual, we were the only ones to notice the things that could work better, as children were too busy having a good time).


Due to some misunderstandings in relation to MediaEstruch’s location, the four hours session we had in mind, finished being cutted away to two and a half hours, so we had to adjust time, and even rush trough activities at some times. We had time to present ourselves, explain the project to the children, drawing sketches in paper for finally drawing in the software we made in purpose for that matter, and finally let the children express themselves with their drawn characters in a combined system of two computers and two projectors (connected through internet, even if they were in the same room).

We had time for almost everything, except for thinking a little history that binded the graphic creations with a performance. That’s one of the pending things to do the next ocasion, as it has been clearly noted that what we do have in our hands a powerful tool, that children truly enjoy.

We are going, by Estruch’s mediation, to continue to be in contact with schools from Sabadell and try to develop longer sessions linked between them. For the time being, we are already focused in the next test, that will take place in a month.


We want to thank all the kids that came to help us this last friday, and everyone involved in making it real. We have taken a lot of ideas and conclusions these last days.


Until next time!

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