Contributing € 10
Heartfelt thanks
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for doing your bit.
> 22 Co-financiers
Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?
Staging Humanity
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for doing your bit.
A special thank you note in online texts related to the project.
A special thank you note in online texts related to the project and a digital submission from the report of the experience.
A special thank you note in online texts related to the project and a digital submission from the report of the experience and the created texts.
A special thank you note in online texts related to the project and a digital submission from the report of the experience, the created texts and audio-visuals.
A special thank you note in online texts related to the project and a digital submission from the report of the experience, the created texts and audio-visuals of the process and it’s results.
A special thank you note in online texts related to the project, a digital submission from the report of the experience, the created texts and audio-visuals of the process and it’s results and a special thank you note in printed texts related to the project “I is you”, which includes some of the results of the project.
A special thank you note in online texts related to the project, a digital submission from the report of the experience, the created texts and audio-visuals of the process and it’s results and a special thank you note in printed texts related to the project “I is you”, which includes some of the results of the project, and a shipment of this printed material.
A special thank you note in online texts related to the project, a digital submission from the report of the experience, the created texts and audio-visuals of the process and it’s results and a special thank you note in printed texts related to the project “I is you”, which includes some of the results of the project, and a shipment of this printed material as well as of an exclusive creation submission.
(English versión below)
Antes que nada de nuevo gracias a cada uno por su contribución al proyecto. ¡Ya estamos a dos tercios de conseguir el mínimo! Especiales gracias a mis padres que en dos cuotas han hecho una gran inversión. Les agradecería si, dada la ocasión, pueden (aún) difundir la campaña entre sus gentes. Recuerden que el “de boca en boca” sigue siendo la herramienta más empática de comunicación.
Es una gran emoción recibir cada una de las aportaciones. Personas que conozco poco o nada apostando por el proyecto (normalmente a través de otras que sí conozco que comparten con entusiasmo), personas que a pesar de los años sin comunicarnos, siguen mostrando su confianza y cariño a través de su apoyo, personas que siempre están y apoyan incondicionalmente... Todo su apoyo, materializadas no solo a través de esta plataforma, también en palabras posteadas y enviadas en privado, en charlas y miradas compartidas y a través de otras manifestaciones menos tangibles, me están dando una fuerza y confianza enorme para seguir adelante el proyecto. Además me alimenta el credo de que, aunque sea entre los cercanos, podemos hacer mucho, y eso en los tiempos que corren ¡vale oro! También, por si me faltara, me dota de un gran sentido de responsabilidad. Mayor responsabilidad porque ahora es un proyecto de muchas personas, que creen y apuestan por hacerlo posible.
Y un poco de por aquí (Macedonia Central, Grecia):
La mayoría de las organizaciones de los campamentos están muy ocupadas ahora haciendo frente a la terrible ola de frío que estamos sufriendo en el norte de Grecia. Sin embargo la respuesta a la propuesta del proyecto está siendo muy positiva y ya hay organizaciones de varios campamentos interesados en participar en el proyecto. Y aún hay tiempo para que sigan sumándose otras que todavía no han podido contestar.
Tenemos también una primera sala interesada en el centro de Tesalónica para mostrar performance/instalación y proponer jornada de intercambio: Micropolis – Social Space for Freedom (
Hace unos días estuve en Nea Kavala con el mismo grupo con el que trabajé en verano. Fue muy emotivo el recibimiento. Siguen manteniendo la flama viva del teatro como pueden y esperan con gran entusiasmo empezar el proyecto. Ahí les adjunto un pequeño video que con algunos de ellos les dedicamos, desafiando algunas reglas del campamento..
Por lo demás ¡frío, frío, frío!
¡Un abrazo para cada y seguimos!
First of all again thanks to everyone for their contribution to the project. We are already two thirds of the minimum! Special thanks to my parents who have made a great investment. I would really appreciate if, given the occasion, you can (still) spread the campaign among your people. Remember that "word of mouth" remains the most empathetic tool of communication.
Each one of the contributions to the project is a pang of emotion. People I know little or nothing backing the project (the latter through others I do know, who share with enthusiasm); people who despite years without communicating, continue showing their trust and affection through their support; people who are always there and support unconditionally ... All your support, not only through this platform, also in posted and private messages and mails, in talks and gazes and through other less tangible manifestations, are giving me enormous strength and confidence to carry on the project. In addition it makes me believe even stronger that we can do so much coming together, even only with the near ones. That worth nowadays gold! Also, if I sould lack, it gives me a great sense of responsibility. Greater responsibility because now this is a project of many people, who believe and bet to make it possible.
And a little from here (Central Macedonia, Greece):
Most of the camp’s organizations are very busy now facing the terrible cold front that we are suffering in northern Greece. However the response to the project is very positive and there are already organizations from several camps interested in participating in the project. And there is still time to continue adding others that have not yet been able to answer.
We also have a first interested place in the center of Thessaloniki in housing our performance / installation / exchange day: Micropolis - Social Space for Freedom (
Some days ago I was in Nea Kavala with the group that I worked with in the summer. The reception was very touching. They continue keeping the flame of the theater alive as good as they can and look forward to start the project. I attach a small video that we made with some of them to you, challenging some rules of the camp ..
A part from that, cold, cold, cold!
A hug for each! We keep on going.
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Heartfelt thanks
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for doing your bit.
> 22 Co-financiers
Internet thanks
A special thank you note in online texts related to the project.
> 32 Co-financiers
Internet thanks + Report submission
A special thank you note in online texts related to the project and a digital submission from the report of the experience.
> 10 Co-financiers
Internet thanks + Report and texts submission
A special thank you note in online texts related to the project and a digital submission from the report of the experience and the created texts.
> 12 Co-financiers
Internet thanks + Report, texts and audio-visuals (process) submission
A special thank you note in online texts related to the project and a digital submission from the report of the experience, the created texts and audio-visuals.
> 02 Co-financiers
Internet thanks + Report, texts and audio-visuals (process and results) submission
A special thank you note in online texts related to the project and a digital submission from the report of the experience, the created texts and audio-visuals of the process and it’s results.
> 04 Co-financiers
Internet thanks + Report, texts and audio-visuals (process and results) submission + printed text thanks
A special thank you note in online texts related to the project, a digital submission from the report of the experience, the created texts and audio-visuals of the process and it’s results and a special thank you note in printed texts related to the project “I is you”, which includes some of the results of the project.
> 02 Co-financiers
Internet thanks + Report, texts and audio-visuals (process and results) submission + printed text thanks and submission
A special thank you note in online texts related to the project, a digital submission from the report of the experience, the created texts and audio-visuals of the process and it’s results and a special thank you note in printed texts related to the project “I is you”, which includes some of the results of the project, and a shipment of this printed material.
> 00 Co-financiers
Internet thanks + Report, texts and audio-visuals (process and results) submission + printed text thanks and submission + exclusive creation submission
A special thank you note in online texts related to the project, a digital submission from the report of the experience, the created texts and audio-visuals of the process and it’s results and a special thank you note in printed texts related to the project “I is you”, which includes some of the results of the project, and a shipment of this printed material as well as of an exclusive creation submission.
> 00 Co-financiers
Translations of Arabic and Kurdish texts into Spanish, English and Danish.