Contributing $ 218
Heartfelt thanks
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for doing your bit.
> 22 Co-financiers
Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?
Staging Humanity
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for doing your bit.
A special thank you note in online texts related to the project.
A special thank you note in online texts related to the project and a digital submission from the report of the experience.
A special thank you note in online texts related to the project and a digital submission from the report of the experience and the created texts.
A special thank you note in online texts related to the project and a digital submission from the report of the experience, the created texts and audio-visuals.
A special thank you note in online texts related to the project and a digital submission from the report of the experience, the created texts and audio-visuals of the process and it’s results.
A special thank you note in online texts related to the project, a digital submission from the report of the experience, the created texts and audio-visuals of the process and it’s results and a special thank you note in printed texts related to the project “I is you”, which includes some of the results of the project.
A special thank you note in online texts related to the project, a digital submission from the report of the experience, the created texts and audio-visuals of the process and it’s results and a special thank you note in printed texts related to the project “I is you”, which includes some of the results of the project, and a shipment of this printed material.
A special thank you note in online texts related to the project, a digital submission from the report of the experience, the created texts and audio-visuals of the process and it’s results and a special thank you note in printed texts related to the project “I is you”, which includes some of the results of the project, and a shipment of this printed material as well as of an exclusive creation submission.
(Post from Saturday / del sábado)
Tomorrow the group Escosirak from Nea Kavala perform for thousand people in a big event; soon more about that, now we are busy…
Find the translation of some of the texts of the performance by the photos section.
Mañana el grupo de teatro de Nea Kavala actúa delante de mil personas; pronto más noticias, ahora estamos ocupados...
Os comparto la traducción de algunos de los textos de la performance en la sección de fotos.
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Heartfelt thanks
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for doing your bit.
> 22 Co-financiers
Internet thanks
A special thank you note in online texts related to the project.
> 32 Co-financiers
Internet thanks + Report submission
A special thank you note in online texts related to the project and a digital submission from the report of the experience.
> 10 Co-financiers
Internet thanks + Report and texts submission
A special thank you note in online texts related to the project and a digital submission from the report of the experience and the created texts.
> 12 Co-financiers
Internet thanks + Report, texts and audio-visuals (process) submission
A special thank you note in online texts related to the project and a digital submission from the report of the experience, the created texts and audio-visuals.
> 02 Co-financiers
Internet thanks + Report, texts and audio-visuals (process and results) submission
A special thank you note in online texts related to the project and a digital submission from the report of the experience, the created texts and audio-visuals of the process and it’s results.
> 04 Co-financiers
Internet thanks + Report, texts and audio-visuals (process and results) submission + printed text thanks
A special thank you note in online texts related to the project, a digital submission from the report of the experience, the created texts and audio-visuals of the process and it’s results and a special thank you note in printed texts related to the project “I is you”, which includes some of the results of the project.
> 02 Co-financiers
Internet thanks + Report, texts and audio-visuals (process and results) submission + printed text thanks and submission
A special thank you note in online texts related to the project, a digital submission from the report of the experience, the created texts and audio-visuals of the process and it’s results and a special thank you note in printed texts related to the project “I is you”, which includes some of the results of the project, and a shipment of this printed material.
> 00 Co-financiers
Internet thanks + Report, texts and audio-visuals (process and results) submission + printed text thanks and submission + exclusive creation submission
A special thank you note in online texts related to the project, a digital submission from the report of the experience, the created texts and audio-visuals of the process and it’s results and a special thank you note in printed texts related to the project “I is you”, which includes some of the results of the project, and a shipment of this printed material as well as of an exclusive creation submission.
> 00 Co-financiers
Translations of Arabic and Kurdish texts into Spanish, English and Danish.