Finished 28 / 12 / 2015
£ 4,194
£ 3,965
£ 6,461
58 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 4


    1 exemplaire dans la/les langue(s) de votre choix. Mention sur le site internet comme donateur. Accès à la plateforme contributive.

    > 12 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 17


    20 exemplaires dans la/les langue(s) de votre choix. Mention sur le site internet comme donateur. Accès à la plateforme contributive.

    > 21 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 25


    40 exemplaires dans la/les langue(s) de votre choix. Mention sur le site internet comme donateur. Accès à la plateforme contributive.

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 42


    75 exemplaires dans la/les langue(s) de votre choix. Mention sur le site internet comme donateur. Accès à la plateforme contributive.

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 83


    150 exemplaires dans la/les langue(s) de votre choix. Mention sur le site internet comme donateur. Accès à la plateforme contributive.

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 166


    350 exemplaires dans la/les langue(s) de votre choix. Mention sur le site internet comme donateur. Accès à la plateforme contributive.

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 250


    550 exemplaires dans la/les langue(s) de votre choix. Mention sur le journal et le site internet comme donateur-partenaire. Accès à la plateforme contributive.

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 416


    1000 exemplaires dans la/les langue(s) de votre choix. Mention sur le journal et le site internet comme donateur-partenaire. Accès à la plateforme contributive.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 832


    2000 exemplaires dans la/les langue(s) de votre choix. Mention sur le journal et le site internet comme donateur-partenaire. Accès à la plateforme contributive.

    > 01 Co-financiers

About this project

Call for contribution to print the Issue N°5 of The Laboratory Planet journal, that deals with the topic Alien Capitalism, and that will be distributed during the UN conference on climate changes COP21.

Needs Material Minimum Optimum
Coût du devis de tirage à l'imprimerie pour 8000 exemplaires (4000 exemplaires français, 2000 anglais, 2000 espagnol).
£ 2,717
Needs Infrastructure Minimum Optimum
Coût de livraison et distribution postale.
£ 1,248
Needs Task Minimum Optimum
Rémunération des traducteurs français-anglais, français-espagnol
£ 832
Coût de composition graphique et éditoriale.
£ 832
Coût de coordination éditoriale et de la diffusion.
£ 832
Total £ 3,965 £ 6,461

General information

The Anthropocene debate aims to define the moment when human species, or part of it, started to become a significant driving force of major and irreversible transformation of the terrestrial environment. As we can hardly manage to form an united human project on earth, we might as well consider that the real actors of this transformation may not be humans, which leads us to wonder who the trouble makers might be. We will consider that this major transformation is due to alien agents, leaving the perceptions one might have of this term as open as possible.

Laboratory planet or captured planet, put to work, denatured, rebuilt by aliens? From who or what capitalism is then the name? What is this unconscious colonial enterprise? Basically, we may not know yet...

This is from this non-knowing that we have decided to open an exploratory research around the alien capitalism. Not yet marked research, tangled, complex, the journal will aim to provide beacons, lights, fragments of analysis.

Written collaboratively, unlike previous issues, number 5 structured articles or fragments of collective writing and investigations of individual authors. Released during the COP 21 to be held in Paris in December 2015 (, it will aim to shed a different light on the current disaster. To this end and to serve tactical actions, it will be accompanied by a map of the alien capitalist agenda in the Ile-de-France region.

Main features and goals of the crowdfunding campaign

PHASE 1 //// writing a field of work hypothesis about the planetary mutations, role of humans, non humans, of capitalism and other agents (aliens ? non aliens ?) of this transformation. Are capitalism dynamics, anthropocene crisis, accelerated developments of technologies and all consequences (chemical modification of Planet Earth, massive species extinction, ...) the emergence of a new ontological regime with the continuation of the human project and life on Earth being its only project research around the alien question: articles and research notes around the topic (philosophy, science, litteratures, etc.) //// conceptualizing of a mobile investigation cell, "Aliens in Green", to be going aside the dissemination of the journal.

//// PHASE 2 ///// printing of the N°5 of the "Laboratory Planet" journal". PHASE 3 //// "Aliens in Green" put in action to disseminate the journal in France and internationally, in appropriated contexts. //// Coordination with interested people to join the dissemination. Organisation of an online comments platform.


Why this is important

1///////// A collaboration exists for 8 years between different authors and artists around the common question of new technologies of domination since WW2. This collaboration drove us to the creation of the Laboratory Planet journal. It also lead us to different actions (including intermedia art works around the politics of the electromagnetic spectrum).
The journal was widely distributed in different communities: critic of technics, anti-industrial critic, scientists and academics, cultural and artistic environments. Its aim is to reinforce or even bring new perspectives in the critic of technologies that are transforming the conditions of existence on Earth.
The thema of N°5 is here to open a new field of hypothesis to renew our gaze on the mutations in process.

2 //////// A mobile investigation laboratory, working under the title Aliens In Green is being developed to inquire into these alien agents. Based on this hypothesis the lab implements communication and media processes, reaching out and opening a critical public space. This laboratory, which is seeking collaborators, aims to activate problematisation and analysis tools, attend recognition events and intervene in public space, relying as much on popular sciences archetypes, mass culture and science-fiction, as on analysis of current technological mutations. One may understand the Aliens in Green tactical theatre lab as a symmetrical and antagonist entity to Men in Black. They act as federal agents dealing with human relations with life forms in outer space. But unlike Men in Black who operate secretly, Aliens in Green operations are open in order to allow earthlings to identify the numerous collusions between capitalist and xenopolitic interests. Aliens in Green applies different communication, mediation and investigation tools designed for cultural areas and users in urban spaces. Derived from urban theatre and tactical media and related to Investigative Art, it inquires into the ethical questions posed by new developments in techno-sciences by focusing and implementing technological environment analysis procedures. Aliens in Green connects open-science philosophy to DIY practices. In this context, their art emerges from performance practice, adopting, subverting, or reclaiming scientific authority, material, codes and effects. It also derives from the mise-en-scene of media and information, designed to raise questions or even to tap into fears related to techno-scientific research or to its imaginary worlds (science-fiction, ufology...).

3/////// A group of contributors will have access to an online plateforme for discussions and comments. This group will extend the hypothesis developed in the journal by its own contributions, the work not stopping with the print of the newspaper.

Goals of the crowdfunding campaign

Financing of the printing of issue number 5 of the journal. Translation into English and Spanish. Create an accompanying holder for tactical actions performed by the collective Aliens In Green. Create a support to open a meeting of field and research collaboration around the "alien" issue in general, and specifically about aliens technologies now under development (alien algorithmic economy and finance, xenobiology and synthetic biology, xenopolitics).


Team and experience

The newspaper "The Laboratory Planet" was created in 2007 at the initiative of Ewen Chardronnet and the group of artists Bureau d'études who assumed overall editorial responsibility since.
Publication dependent on funding opportunities, four issues have been published so far in 2008, 2009 and 2011, with mixed prints 5,000 copies in French and 5,000 in English.

The dissemination was carried out by support networks or at activist or cultural events or intervention through universities.

"Since World War, the planet is gradually transformed into a scale 1 laboratory. The old model of "world factory" has given way to the model of the "world laboratory".
Objects of this laboratory, can we also be the subjects? Can we reclaim this huge machine that became autonomous and is now developing according to its own dynamic? Can we redirect the fate and direction of this laboratory? "

Issue 1 • Why are we working to our own obsolescence ? (2007)
Texts by Observatoire de l’évolution, Ange Valderas, Michel Tibon-Cornillot, Alioune Diop, Sophie Gosselin &David Guignebert, Konrad Becker, Xavier Inizan, Bureau d’études

Issue 2 • Hope is not needed to act (2008)
Texts by Bureau d'études, Brian Holmes, Konrad Becker, Nicolas Bonnet, Yves Edel and Lionel Sayag, Michel Tibon-Cornillot, Ewen Chardronnet

Issue 3 • The laboratory planet or the terminal phase of nihilism (2009)
Texts by Bureau d'études, William Engdhal, Michel Tibon-Cornillot, Ewen Chardronnet, Jean segont I, Jean- François Tabardin

Issue 4 • The conquest of Earth by the computers (2011)
Texts by Jean-Baptiste Labrune, Célia Izoard, Chris Chesher, Bureau d'études, Konrad Becker, Ewen Chardronnet

Issue 5 • The team is composed by: Bureau d'études, Ewen Chardronnet, Konrad Becker, Brian Holmes, Émilie Notéris, Clémence Seurat, Aniara Rodado, Maria Ptqk, Benjamin Cadon, Julien Bellanger, and could be enlarged.


Social commitment