Contributing $ 21
You are already a friend of Epiqueia!
As a token of appreciation, your name will appear on our website along with others who have helped us build the school.
> 22 Co-financiers
Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?
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A new shelter
As a token of appreciation, your name will appear on our website along with others who have helped us build the school.
Next summer, in August 2022, you will receive a video of the school that you have helped to build. You will see the school life and all of the children and teens taking part in community activities.
In addition, as a token of appreciation, your name will appear on our website along with others who have helped us build the school.
During spring 2022, we will do a cycle of training sessions with topics of pedagogy, philosophy, art, the environment ... (Check our website from January). You can exchange your voucher for a spot in a class of your choice.
Use it yourself or give it as a gift to someone else for good training experiences.
We invite you to visit the school and share a morning with members of the pedagogical team and families on Saturday, May 21, 2022. We will open the doors for you!
Next summer, in August 2022, you will receive a video of the school that you have helped to build. You will see the school life and all of the children and teens taking part in community activities.
In addition, as a token of appreciation, your name will appear on our website along with others who have helped us build the school.
To learn more about our pedagogical proposal, we will send you the book: ESTEVE, M. Learning adventures. Vic: Eumo, 2019.
We also invite you to visit the school and to share a morning with members of the pedagogical team and families on Saturday, May 21, 2022. We will open the doors for you!
Next summer, in August 2022, you will receive a video of the school that you have helped to build. You will see the school life and all of the children and teens taking part in community activities.
In addition, as a token of appreciation, your name will appear on our website along with others who have helped us build the school.
In January 2022, we will send you a very special handmade wall calendar with original drawings from the children of the school.
To learn more about our pedagogical proposal, we will send you the book: ESTEVE, M. Learning adventures. Vic: Eumo, 2019.
We also invite you to visit the school and share a morning with members of the pedagogical team and families on Saturday, May 21, 2022. We will open the doors for you!
Next summer, in August 2022, you will receive a video of the school that you have helped to build. You will see the school life and all of the children and teens taking part in community activities.
In addition, as a token of appreciation, your name will appear on our website along with others who have helped us build the school.
We invite you to visit the school on a school day with the accompaniment of a person from the Epiqueia team and then to share food and conversation with the entire teaching team and with someone from the school's family group.
In January 2022, we will send you a very special handmade wall calendar with original drawings from the children of the school.
To learn more about our pedagogical proposal, we will send you the book: ESTEVE, M. Learning adventures. Vic: Eumo, 2019.
We also invite you to visit the school and share a morning with members of the pedagogical team and families on Saturday, May 21, 2022. We will open the doors for you!
Next summer, in August 2022, you will receive a video of the school that you have helped to build. You will see the school life and all of the children and teens taking part in community activities.
In addition, as a token of appreciation, your name will appear on our website along with others who have helped us build the school.
"Així, la sortida de l’escola té a veure amb l’escola de la qual sortim i a la qual
tornem. Aquest eixir i tornar de llocs diferents possibilita la riquesa
d’experiències distintes i l’oportunitat d’un diàleg fecund. No es tracta, a parer
nostre, de pensar en “l’escola sense murs” –una aposta reactiva a una escola
tancada i recelosa-; es tracta de tenir una escola de la qual sigui fàcil sortir i
entrar, amb portes i finestres a l’exterior, però amb un llindar que sigui senyal
de dos llocs distints i enriquidors per la seva diferència i per la seva relació."
Mar Esteve, Javi Cáceres i Laura Zamora.
De l’escola al món: un camí que és vincle.
L’experiència de “les sortides”
(Perspectiva Escolar 410)
You are already a friend of Epiqueia!
As a token of appreciation, your name will appear on our website along with others who have helped us build the school.
> 22 Co-financiers
Video + You are already a friend of Epiqueia!
Next summer, in August 2022, you will receive a video of the school that you have helped to build. You will see the school life and all of the children and teens taking part in community activities.
In addition, as a token of appreciation, your name will appear on our website along with others who have helped us build the school.
> 10 Co-financiers
Exchange voucher for training
During spring 2022, we will do a cycle of training sessions with topics of pedagogy, philosophy, art, the environment ... (Check our website from January). You can exchange your voucher for a spot in a class of your choice.
Use it yourself or give it as a gift to someone else for good training experiences.
> 33 Co-financiers
We are waiting for you at school + Video + You are already a friend of Epiqueia!
We invite you to visit the school and share a morning with members of the pedagogical team and families on Saturday, May 21, 2022. We will open the doors for you!
Next summer, in August 2022, you will receive a video of the school that you have helped to build. You will see the school life and all of the children and teens taking part in community activities.
In addition, as a token of appreciation, your name will appear on our website along with others who have helped us build the school.
> 34 Co-financiers
Book + We are waiting for you at school + Video + You are already a friend of Epiqueia!
To learn more about our pedagogical proposal, we will send you the book: ESTEVE, M. Learning adventures. Vic: Eumo, 2019.
We also invite you to visit the school and to share a morning with members of the pedagogical team and families on Saturday, May 21, 2022. We will open the doors for you!
Next summer, in August 2022, you will receive a video of the school that you have helped to build. You will see the school life and all of the children and teens taking part in community activities.
In addition, as a token of appreciation, your name will appear on our website along with others who have helped us build the school.
> 13 Co-financiers
Big help and even bigger thanks
In January 2022, we will send you a very special handmade wall calendar with original drawings from the children of the school.
To learn more about our pedagogical proposal, we will send you the book: ESTEVE, M. Learning adventures. Vic: Eumo, 2019.
We also invite you to visit the school and share a morning with members of the pedagogical team and families on Saturday, May 21, 2022. We will open the doors for you!
Next summer, in August 2022, you will receive a video of the school that you have helped to build. You will see the school life and all of the children and teens taking part in community activities.
In addition, as a token of appreciation, your name will appear on our website along with others who have helped us build the school.
> 11 Co-financiers
We invite you to visit the school on a school day with the accompaniment of a person from the Epiqueia team and then to share food and conversation with the entire teaching team and with someone from the school's family group.
In January 2022, we will send you a very special handmade wall calendar with original drawings from the children of the school.
To learn more about our pedagogical proposal, we will send you the book: ESTEVE, M. Learning adventures. Vic: Eumo, 2019.
We also invite you to visit the school and share a morning with members of the pedagogical team and families on Saturday, May 21, 2022. We will open the doors for you!
Next summer, in August 2022, you will receive a video of the school that you have helped to build. You will see the school life and all of the children and teens taking part in community activities.
In addition, as a token of appreciation, your name will appear on our website along with others who have helped us build the school.
> 07 Co-financiers