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Necesitamos tu ayuda ¡Viseras sanitarias contra el Covid19!

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Finished 25 / 05 / 2020
$ 64,155
$ 22,335
$ 86,149
71 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 638

    100 Covid19 sanitary visors

    With a 30 €/$ donation we will be able to finance the manufacture and distribution of 80 sanitary visors against Covid19. You will help 100 people to protect themselves against contagion. In addition, thanks to your help, our company will survive a little longer to continue fighting.

    > 25 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,276

    200 Covid19 sanitary visors

    With a 60€/$ donation we will be able to finance the manufacture and distribution of 200 sanitary visors against Covid19. You will help 200 people to protect themselves against contagion. In addition, thanks to your help, our company will survive a little longer to continue fighting.

    > 14 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 2,553

    400 Covid19 sanitary visors

    With a 120€/$ donation we will be able to finance the manufacture and distribution of 400 sanitary visors against Covid19. You will help 400 people to protect themselves against contagion. In addition, thanks to your help, our company will survive a little longer to continue fighting.

    > 05 Co-financiers

16.500 viseras repartidas!!!

27 | 04 | 2020
16.500 viseras repartidas!!!

Ya van más de 16.500 viseras repartidas a nivel nacional!!! Gracias a todos vosotros podemos seguir con la producción día a día!! esto no para :)

Os ponemos algunos sitios:

  • Hospital La Princesa
  • Hospital de Mérida
  • Hospital San Pedro de Alcántara
  • Hospital Universitario de Badajoz
  • Hospital Nuestra Señora de la Montaña de Cáceres
  • Hospital Don Benito - Villanueva
  • Hospital Santos Reyes de Aranda de Duero
  • Centro Salud Padrón, Centro Salud de Arca en Santiago de Compostela
  • Residencia Santa Teresa de Jornet en A Coruña
  • Concejalía de Asuntos Sociales del Ayuntamiento de A Coruña

y por supuesto seguimos con nuestros repartos en...

  • Hospital Gregorio Marañón
  • Hospital de Torrejón
  • Centros de Salud de la Comunidad de Madrid (VIllalba, Móstoles, Guadarrama, Carabanchel, Vallecas)
  • Comisaría de Fuenlabrada



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