Contributing £ 8
To thank you for your support of the project, we give you Dani Garreton's postcard set /
> 02 Co-financiers
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Cómic "Plastic Family"
To thank you for your support of the project, we give you Dani Garreton's postcard set /
Now you get a printed poster of the first chapter of "Plastic Family" comic signed by Panthalassa + postcard set by Dani Garreton.
The original version of the comic is available in Spanish or Basque. If you want your comic in another language, this is your option. Reward includes the first comic chapter "Plastic Family" translated in your chosen language signed by Panthalassa and postcard set by Dani Garreton.
Eligible languages are EU officials. For other languages, please check with our team.
To get to know even more the unique and essential marine fauna and flora, we give you an entrance to the Aquarium of San Sebastián, one of the best and oldest aquariums in Europe.
You'll also get a printed poster of the first comic "Plastic Family" signed by Panthalassa + postcard set by Dani Garreton.
MAISOR, the artisan cannery from Getaria joins our boat and brings you some delicious gifts from the sea, fish and prepared with a lot of love and tradition.
And the comic poster signed by Panthalassa and a set of postcards by Dani Garreton will not be missing.
As you really like the project, we want to give you a set of BEE IN products (, handmade wraps made of natural beeswax and Oeko-Tex certified cotton. A 100% plastic-free alternative to store your food.
You also get a printed poster of the first chapter of "Plastic Family" comic signed by Panthalassa and postcard set by Dani Garreton.
Seguro que en vuestra familia cada uno queréis SU cómic. O igual te gusta tanto que quieres uno para ti y dos pares más para tus amigos.
Aquí los tienes – un pack de 5 carteles del Cómic “Plastic Family”.
For the project to continue navigating we are looking for embassies - shops, cafes, surf shops, sailing clubs and / or other types of public spaces that share respect and the fondness for the great blue. Yours can be one of our ports where to expose the comic in a special panel of larger size.
On the occasion of the European Sea Day in which Panthalassa and Navegavela take an active part, we invite you to board the boat and sail for two hours to see in first person the state of our seas and perhaps inspire you to create a new chapter of the comic.
We give you a bonus, which you can redeem on May 20, 2020.
Reward for groups of friends, partners, raffles and gifts.
You receive a pack of 10 “Plastic Family” comics.
We organize the one-day exhibition of the installation "Plastic Family" - the three protagonists of the comic - in your chosen space.
The "Plastic Family" is an artistic installation made of plastic remains found on the beaches of Gipuzkoa and Iparralde whose objective is to make visible the large amount of waste that ends up at sea every day.
The reward includes the management, communication and transportation of the figures within the territory of the Gipuzkoa.
Artistic insurance costs are not included.
“Blue Factory” is a creative space where we turn our love for the ocean into stories of wind, water and salt. If you have in mind an event that shares the same being, for one day we open the door of the Factory and make our space and equipment available to make it happen.
"Blue Factory" is located at Avenida Navarra 50 (Gros, Donostia).
The proposals must demonstrate a clear relationship with the objectives of the project.
We will send 50 units of the Comic to your school, your company, your club, your foundation, your organization so that you distribute them among yourselves or dedicate to a good cause in favor of the clean, living and happy oceans.
We create a reward for companies, foundations, institutions and organizations that are interested in treating the plastic problem in a different way, educating with art, humor and closeness.
You receive a pack of 100 units of the Comic "Plastic Family" to dedicate them to the people who could provide us the best solutions and the most anticipated examples.
Hace dos años nos metimos en esta aventura llamada #MetaKultura 2019 con muchas ganas y más ilusión de hacer realidad una idea que llevábamos ya un tiempo madurando en la mente y sobre papel.
Nuestra Plastic Family había recorrido las playas, las salas, los museos, incluso oficinas del País Vasco, había llegado hasta el Parlamento Europeo y subido el escenario del primer World Impact Summit en Burdeos. Los viajes de la Familia y toda la agenda y preparación que conllevan nos hizo ver estos tres maniquíes de plástico casi como a unos seres humanos, aunque de extraña procedencia.
De allí salió la idea de contar su historia como si de una historia de cualquier familia normal se tratase. Y contarla para entretener, para educar, para servir de ejemplo y para transmitir el mismo mensaje que lleva consigo la Familia misma: Somos nosotros la causa del problema, por lo tanto también deberíamos ser parte de la solución!
Decidimos contar la historia en formato cartel - cómic, en una sola hoja que te lo cuenta todo, y tuvimos la suerte de conocer a uno de los mejores ilustradores de comics aquí mismo en Donostia - Aritz Trueba. Ya desde los primeros bocetos de la playa de la Concha, donde iba a ocurrir toda la historia, nos quedamos encantados con el trabajo de Aritz y de cómo la Familia iba cobrando sus cuerpos y sus voces.
Llegamos a completar el guión del primer capitulo del comic, cuando se nos presentó la oportunidad de #MetaKultura 2019 y, sin darle más vueltas, decidimos presentar el proyecto a la convocatoria. Queríamos que sea un cómic hecho entre todos, por eso la opción de financiarlo a través de una campaña de crowdfunding nos pareció encajar perfectamente.
No vamos a negar que durante la campaña tuvimos nuestros altibajos cuando todo empezó con muchas promesas, cuento llegó el momento que pensamos que no llegamos… Pero al final lo conseguimos gracias a vuestro apoyo, queridos colaboradores. Gracias a las aportaciones de #MetaKultura 2019 y gracias a la colaboración con Real Sociedad Fundazioa llegamos a imprimir más de 700 comics "Plastic Family" en euskera que se ha repartido entre los alumnos de las ikastolas del País Vasco y entregado como premios del sorteo del ciclo de cine submarino CIMASUB. Otras 10 unidades del cómic en euskera, 10 en castellano y 2 en inglés, además de un cómic muy especial que imprimimos sobre un panel de madera, han sido las recompensas, los regalos y las "gracias" a vosotros, que nos habéis ayudado a crearlo.
Sin embargo, después de un año de incertidumbres, por ahora vamos a poner nuestro proyecto en pausa. Teniendo en cuenta las circunstancias, vamos a esperar tiempos mejores para reactivar la creación de las próximas ediciones del cómic. Para eso ya contamos con una parte de los recursos recaudados en #MetaKultura 2019, unos 3000 euros, así que en cuanto veamos la oportunidad, nos lanzaremos de nuevo a contar las historias de nuestra Familia Plastico. A poder ser, ya este mismo verano.
Entre otros cambios que ya tenemos previstos para la reactivación del proyecto, tendremos a un nuevo ilustrador, así abriéndonos aún más al mundo de la ilustración en País Vasco, y podremos ofrecer un programa de actividades paralelas y talleres del cómic y creación de otros caracteres de la Plastic Family.
Gracias a Goteo, a #MetaKultura 2019 y a todos vosotros que recibís esta carta porque habéis sido los imprescindibles para que todo esto haya llegado a su final feliz, seguimos con muchas ganas y aún más ilusión que cualquier dia de estos volvamos a poner en el formato de cómic todas las historias que la Plastic Family aún tiene por contar.
Eskerrik asko.
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To thank you for your support of the project, we give you Dani Garreton's postcard set /
> 02 Co-financiers
Now you get a printed poster of the first chapter of "Plastic Family" comic signed by Panthalassa + postcard set by Dani Garreton.
> 02 Co-financiers
The original version of the comic is available in Spanish or Basque. If you want your comic in another language, this is your option. Reward includes the first comic chapter "Plastic Family" translated in your chosen language signed by Panthalassa and postcard set by Dani Garreton.
Eligible languages are EU officials. For other languages, please check with our team.
> 02 Co-financiers
To get to know even more the unique and essential marine fauna and flora, we give you an entrance to the Aquarium of San Sebastián, one of the best and oldest aquariums in Europe.
You'll also get a printed poster of the first comic "Plastic Family" signed by Panthalassa + postcard set by Dani Garreton.
> 00 Co-financiers
MAISOR, the artisan cannery from Getaria joins our boat and brings you some delicious gifts from the sea, fish and prepared with a lot of love and tradition.
And the comic poster signed by Panthalassa and a set of postcards by Dani Garreton will not be missing.
> 01 Co-financiers
As you really like the project, we want to give you a set of BEE IN products (, handmade wraps made of natural beeswax and Oeko-Tex certified cotton. A 100% plastic-free alternative to store your food.
You also get a printed poster of the first chapter of "Plastic Family" comic signed by Panthalassa and postcard set by Dani Garreton.
> 01 Co-financiers
Seguro que en vuestra familia cada uno queréis SU cómic. O igual te gusta tanto que quieres uno para ti y dos pares más para tus amigos.
Aquí los tienes – un pack de 5 carteles del Cómic “Plastic Family”.
> 00 Co-financiers
For the project to continue navigating we are looking for embassies - shops, cafes, surf shops, sailing clubs and / or other types of public spaces that share respect and the fondness for the great blue. Yours can be one of our ports where to expose the comic in a special panel of larger size.
> 01 Co-financiers
On the occasion of the European Sea Day in which Panthalassa and Navegavela take an active part, we invite you to board the boat and sail for two hours to see in first person the state of our seas and perhaps inspire you to create a new chapter of the comic.
We give you a bonus, which you can redeem on May 20, 2020.
> 00 Co-financiers
Reward for groups of friends, partners, raffles and gifts.
You receive a pack of 10 “Plastic Family” comics.
> 00 Co-financiers
We organize the one-day exhibition of the installation "Plastic Family" - the three protagonists of the comic - in your chosen space.
The "Plastic Family" is an artistic installation made of plastic remains found on the beaches of Gipuzkoa and Iparralde whose objective is to make visible the large amount of waste that ends up at sea every day.
The reward includes the management, communication and transportation of the figures within the territory of the Gipuzkoa.
Artistic insurance costs are not included.
> 00 Co-financiers
“Blue Factory” is a creative space where we turn our love for the ocean into stories of wind, water and salt. If you have in mind an event that shares the same being, for one day we open the door of the Factory and make our space and equipment available to make it happen.
"Blue Factory" is located at Avenida Navarra 50 (Gros, Donostia).
The proposals must demonstrate a clear relationship with the objectives of the project.
> 00 Co-financiers
We will send 50 units of the Comic to your school, your company, your club, your foundation, your organization so that you distribute them among yourselves or dedicate to a good cause in favor of the clean, living and happy oceans.
> 00 Co-financiers
THE CROWD / x 100
We create a reward for companies, foundations, institutions and organizations that are interested in treating the plastic problem in a different way, educating with art, humor and closeness.
You receive a pack of 100 units of the Comic "Plastic Family" to dedicate them to the people who could provide us the best solutions and the most anticipated examples.
> 00 Co-financiers