¡Renovamos Goteo!

Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?

Goteo, but better

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2Round Remaining just
In progress! Now 4 the optimum
€ 24.935
€ 15.000
€ 245.000
132 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 5

    Donate a click ;)

    Thank you for this gesture that tells us that you align yourself with our vision! In this way you support us to continue on the path of social transformation.

    Remember that every contribution is tax deductible between 35 and 80%! Calculate here: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 30 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 25

    Special invitation to celebrate Goteo's 15th anniversary

    Invitation to the Celebration of 15 years of Goteo that we will celebrate in Barcelona in 2026. Music, food and conversations with protagonists of the most popular Goteo campaigns.

    Remember that every contribution is tax deductible between 35 and 80%! Calculate here: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 30 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 50

    Do you need advice?

    As you know, at Goteo we advise every project that wants to participate in the platform. If you are thinking of launching a campaign and would like a call with one of our advisors, this is your reward. As a thank you for your donation, we will subscribe you to the Goteo newsletter so you don't miss anything.

    Remember that every contribution is tax deductible between 35% and 80%! Calculate here: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 14 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 100

    Do you like the code, so do we.

    Thank you very much for believing in what we do! Many organisations use the code of our platform and we lack the time to follow the evolution of our ‘sisters’. With your help we will be able to improve and document new technological developments on our platform.

    As a thank you for your donation, you will be able to attend a digital session with us where you can ask all your questions about Goteo's open source code if you need to.

    Remember that each contribution is tax deductible between 35 and 80%! Calculate here: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 150

    Sponsor an open source Goteo feature

    Waw, we're celebrating your commitment to free software in style. With this help, you will become the godfather or godmother of one of the new features we would like to develop. Join us on a call, let's talk about it and see which is the best option to take Goteo to the next level.

    Remember that every contribution is tax deductible between 35 and 80%! Calculate here: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 250

    Help us expand Goteo and civic crowdfunding in your community!

    **Do you think crowdfunding is not sufficiently known in your community or organisation? Support us so that we can continue to spread our knowledge among initiatives that need funding and give an important boost to their digital transition.

    With this donation you can request a 2-hour digital session to introduce crowdfunding in your community You gather at least 10 attendees and we organise it!

    Remember that each contribution is tax deductible between 35 and 80%! Calculate here: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 600

    An act of solidarity with other transformative organisations

    Wow! Thank you so much for this show of confidence. **People like you give us the strength to keep doing what we do.

    At Platoniq we are creative and visionary and we like to help and inspire other organisations in their journey. Many contact us asking for our advice on gamification, scenario design, strategic plans, rethinking their internal participation processes, their governance model, etc. We have helped large and small organisations to face current challenges in our society, to rethink the future of important initiatives such as Wikimedia, Fundació Pare Manel, Mozilla Foundation or Missions Publiques.
    With this donation you are making an act of solidarity so that we can continue to help other organisations that cannot finance this type of accompaniment and need inspiration from other possible models.

    **You can propose to us to set up a training session with the organisation of your choice.

    Remember that each contribution is tax deductible between 35 and 80%! Calculate here: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 00 Co-financiers

About this project

Boost your support to Democratic Action and the Social Economy in a more agile and secure way with the new Goteo

Needs Task Minimum Optimum
Identify areas for improvement
Conduct a comprehensive analysis of the current code to identify areas for improvement and modernisation.
€ 15.000
A new architecture
Analyse the requirements for the design of a new architecture that allows the integration of third parties (other platforms and applications) with specific needs, as well as incorporating internal developments in a simpler way.
€ 45.000
Needs Infrastructure Minimum Optimum
Optimising servers
Optimise and reduce the number of services/servers currently employed to improve platform load and speed of response.
€ 60.000
Management panel
Develop an administration and operations control panel for the platform that reduces management time and simplifies information and monitoring of campaigns and communication with users.
€ 45.000
Payment gateways
Test different payment gateway environments in order to use the most advantageous one in terms of commission costs, usability in management, available functionalities and compatibility in integration.
€ 15.000
Goteo 4.0
Modernisation of the computer code of the crowdfunding platform Goteo.org
€ 65.000
Total € 15.000 € 245.000

General information

Goteo is not just a crowdfunding platform. It is the barometer of a society that is committed to collaboration, transparency and collective impact.

Our figures back this up: nearly 22 million euros redistributed, 2,199 projects funded and more than 362,500 people and organisations united to make it happen. And here comes the best part: we do it with an 84% success rate. Yes, 84%.

But Goteo is much more than numbers. It is the means to transform social needs into tangible solutions. And, to continue doing so, we need your help to:

  • Redesign and modernise the platform, creating an architecture capable of integrating other platforms and applications in a simple and efficient way.
    Optimise resources, reducing the number of services and servers, improving our efficiency, speed and responsiveness.
  • Create more powerful tools**, such as an administration panel that facilitates the management of campaigns and communication with users.

It's time to renew Goteo and we want to count on you to achieve: Better connectivity: Better connectivity: **More efficient and responsive servers

Greater connectivity: The possibility that the new code will allow Goteo to integrate with more tools, platforms and services, expanding its capacity to interact with other technologies or needs of the Social and Solidarity Economy ecosystem.

Greater social and geographic impact: The ability to reach more people, projects and territories, overcoming technical or geographic barriers, and making it easier for more users to benefit from and participate in the platform.

Diversity of functions: New functionalities that expand what the platform can offer, adapting to user demands and project needs.

Greater visibility: To provide Goteo with better tools to position projects and attract more support, increasing dissemination and collaboration.

From the beginning, we have promoted and accompanied initiatives that made what seemed utopian a reality. What was once a collective dream is now an urgent necessity.

We live in an increasingly polarised world: fake news, the rise of the far right, climate denialism and conspiracy theories are challenges we cannot ignore. Against this backdrop, **Goteo continues to be the community tool that builds the future together.

A future more open, that includes all of us equally.
A future more transparent, where we make clear who we are and what we want.
A future
more accessible**, that prioritises intergenerational struggle and keeps alive the social and solidarity compass that guides our actions for generations to come.
Goteo has always been open source. And to modernise it, we need creativity, intelligence and collective participation. This is not just a technical improvement: it is the basis for ensuring that it remains a sustainable, agile platform connected to the needs of today and tomorrow.

**Make your contribution and join this transformation!
Let the social and solidarity energy flow, because in a seemingly devastated world, we can still build change.

Main features and goals of the crowdfunding campaign

<iframe style=‘width: 100%; height: auto; aspect-ratio: 16 / 9; border: 0;’ src=‘https://www.youtube.com/embed/GyTWubZyegQ’ title=‘YouTube video player’ frameborder=‘0’ allow=‘accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share’ referrerpolicy=‘strict-origin-when-cross-origin’ allowfullscreen=‘’>

From the beginning, our motivation has been clear: give citizens the tools they need to mobilise and decide their future. Every Goteo campaign is a step towards a more collaborative, transparent and supportive society. But we know that, in a fast-changing world, we can't be left behind.

That's why it's crucial to keep the platform alive and kicking. We need more robust code and a more satisfying and adapted user experience that can respond to the dynamism of today's times. Code that is not only efficient, but friendly**, that facilitates the experience and goals of those who create and support projects. A code that connects people with their causes in a more fluid, more direct, more human way.

Since its creation, Goteo has built a unique history in the crowdfunding world, not only for being an open source platform, but for its ability to inspire and connect global communities.

**Did you know that it has even been reused in Japan by the Yokohama City Council and many other independent initiatives? Or that 84% of the campaigns we support are successful, thanks to a continuous and personalised accompaniment for project promoters. But most importantly, we understand crowdfunding beyond money: at Goteo, collaboration and social transformation are our real currency.

**What have we achieved so far?

  • Goteo is a project incubator** that connects innovative ideas with the contexts that need them most.
  • A social network of micro-donations,** where the public, institutions and companies can support projects of cultural and social impact in a direct way.
  • An open and efficient platform **that connects initiatives with their communities, creating a meeting point for citizen participation and the construction of social and cultural agendas.
  • A crowdvocacy tool that drives the transformation of public institutions, promoting citizen advocacy.

At Goteo we don't just offer funding. **We are a team that accompanies, advises and connects. We facilitate alliances and create a community around each campaign, ensuring that each project grows with the support it needs.

In addition, every year we continue to innovate, establishing new alliances with public and private institutions to promote forms of co-financing and democratic funding. We want to change the way public funds are allocated and distributed, innovating in the third sector.

Our experience is shared through workshops, conferences and public events, both nationally and internationally, where we continue to promote collaboration and collective knowledge.

We are transparent, rigorous and committed to the Social and Solidarity Economy and social transformation: thanks to citizen collaboration, the #15MpaRato were able to take legal action against the banks and put in jail those responsible for putting the country on the brink of economic rescue; we managed to maintain the independence of a cooperative newspaper such as [La Marea;](https://www.goteo. org/user/profile/la-marea) or new forms of platform trade unionism appeared, which today represent hundreds of people: Las Kellys, Street Vendors, Mensakas, Tenants Professional Carers.

You can check all our data in real time on our statistics panel and see for yourself.


Why this is important

<iframe style=‘width: 100%; height: auto; aspect-ratio: 16 / 9; border: 0;’ src=‘https://www.youtube.com/embed/GyTWubZyegQ’ title=‘YouTube video player’ frameborder=‘0’ allow=‘accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share’ referrerpolicy=‘strict-origin-when-cross-origin’ allowfullscreen=‘’>

From the beginning, our motivation has been clear: give citizens the tools they need to mobilise and decide their future. Every Goteo campaign is a step towards a more collaborative, transparent and supportive society. But we know that, in a fast-changing world, we can't be left behind.

That's why it's crucial to keep the platform alive and kicking. We need more robust code and a more satisfying and adapted user experience that can respond to the dynamism of today's times. Code that is not only efficient, but friendly**, that facilitates the experience and goals of those who create and support projects. A code that connects people to their causes in a more fluid, more direct, more human way.

Goteo has been a pioneer in public-private crowdfunding, opening doors for public institutions to join civic funding, and demonstrating that the power of citizen collaboration is stronger than ever. But to continue to be the benchmark, we must go one step further: innovate and adapt to the new demands of the social and digital world.

This is an effort to ensure that the platform continues to be an engine of change, that projects continue to find in Goteo a constant support, an active community and a way to connect with the resources they need. We want Goteo to not only remain, but to continue** to be the space where collective dreams come true.

For all of this, we need to be more prepared, more agile and with the right tools to face what's ahead. This is the time to keep making history, to rise to the challenge, and to make sure that Goteo remains a beacon for social change.


Team and experience

Have you ever wondered who is behind Goteo? **Did you know that the platform is run by a Foundation? What does this mean and why is it so important?

Sometimes we need to take a short trip back in time to be able to look forward to the future.

Goteo is a project of the Platoniq Foundation, a project born in 2001, when the Foundation was an association led by Susana Noguero and Olivier Schulbaum. The Foundation was created with the aim of promoting free culture, open source and the social and democratic use of ICTs.

For years, Platoniq promoted innovative projects, tools and methodologies that received international recognition, but there came a time when a key question arose: **how to finance and make sustainable the initiatives that tried to care for and expand the free knowledge that spread on the Internet, the initiatives that generate positive externalities by being social, respectful with the environment or that worked on justice and democratic culture...?

The answer to that question was Goteo, a platform born in 2010 and driven by the Platoniq Foundation. Today, we are a multidisciplinary team of 12 people committed to social transformation This is a special moment, because in 2025 we will celebrate 25 years of Platoniq and 15 years of Goteo, and looking back, we see how our challenges and objectives have strengthened us and made us grow and unite with many national and international initiatives.

Our commitment remains the same: to continue promoting actions that put the common good at the centre, that are committed to a fairer and more caring future, and that work to leave a better world for future generations. And it is clear to us that, with everyone's support, we will continue to promote this change for many more years to come.


Social commitment

Sustainable Development Goals

  • Quality Education

    Obtaining a quality education is the foundation to improving people’s lives and sustainable development.

  • Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

    Investments in infrastructure are crucial to achieving sustainable development.

  • Sustainable Cities and Communities

    There needs to be a future in which cities provide opportunities for all, with access to basic services, energy, housing, transportation and more.

  • Climate Action

    Climate change is a global challenge that affects everyone, everywhere.

  • Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

    Access to justice for all, and building effective, accountable institutions at all levels.

  • Partnerships for the Goals

    Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development