¡Renovamos Goteo!

Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?


Finished 19 / 06 / 2012
$ 91,426
$ 80,795
$ 121,193
38 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 106

    Credit on the project’s website

    If you’re not looking for a reward and want to help us, you can donate a symbolic amount. You’ll have our most sincere gratitude ¡thank you! Your name will appear as a co-financer in KinoRaw’s website.

    > 06 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 638

    KinoRaw T-Shirt

    Wear yourself our special T-Shirt and help us develop the open source cinema. Exclusive design, available in several sizes.

    > 13 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,276

    Product: “Cycled-Doll” + T-Shirt

    If you want to support us but think you’ll never approach media production using open hardware and software, we’ve thought about you and the smallest :) Support us and we’ll reward you with a doll made using recycled technological materials, or a rag-doll if you prefer. You can have a look at user estoyhechountrapo in flickr.com to see some examples or submit us your own design to customise your doll. Plus, you will also get a KinoRaw T-Shirt!

    > 09 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 4,252

    digital video recording services

    KinoRaw proposes to generate a symbiosis between cinematographic projects. We’ll shoot what you need :) Based on 6 hours long sessions (transportation not included). With experimentation and testing goals, you have the opportunity of seeing how the camera responds in your environment. You will also have our suggestions about the camera expansion possibilities in your scope. The footage generated with the camera belogs to the cofinancier (you), so you can use them freely in your work, be it commercial or not, and of course, cite which fragments of your piece have been shot on an open hardware camera ;) If you are interested, and opt for this financing method, we’ll get in touch with you to see how to integrate the KinoRaw workflow into your project, and keep you informed during the development. Plus, we’ll bring you two KinoRaw T-Shirts to your set.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 31,893

    Workshop - Introduction on collaborating institutions

    Workshop / seminar about Elphel and Blender. Institutions who decide to support our project can do so via a once in a time contribution of 1,500€. This includes the special mention as “mecenas” (sponsor) in every published materials (videos, manuals, etc) We also offer a limited number of four workshops held at the institutions who support KinoRaw. Participants will be able to record and personally test the Elphel camera capabilities. The workshop is 12 hours long. Travel and accommodation expenses not included.

    > 01 Co-financiers

"Fallo de sistema"

25 | 04 | 2012

No, no os preocupeis, no se trata de un problema, sino todo lo contrario. "Fallo de sistema" es un programa de divulgación cientifica, ciencia ficción y videojuegos que se emite en Radio 3. Su web dice que "ha sido concebido como una revista semanal para geeks, amantes de la ciencia y/o ficción, curiosos en general y ensoñadores virtuales empedernidos a través de los cómics, el cine, la literatura y, por supuesto, de los videojuegos."

La verdad es que es toda una alegría que una radio que escuchamos casi a diario desde hace un par de décadas, se interese por proyectos como el nuestro. Queremos aprovechar este post para agradecerle a Santiago Bustamante su buen hacer profesional y su labor de divulgador científico.

A los que no conocíais, "Fallo de sistema", seguro os gusta y acabais siguiéndolo.

Podeis saber más en el blog del programa:


... para los que no lo escuchasteis en directo, podeis descargaros el podcast aqui:




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