Contributing $ 331
Clean World
The main reward of participating in this project is to achieve a CLEAN WORLD. As simple as that.
> 807 Co-financiers
Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?
I book my hotel room with Las Kellys
The main reward of participating in this project is to achieve a CLEAN WORLD. As simple as that.
The main reward of participating in this project is to achieve a CLEAN WORLD. As simple as that.
We invite you to the grand opening party of the Reservation Center that we will hold in Barcelona.
You will get an exclusive t-shirt of Las Kellys and we will invite you to the grand opening party of the Reservation Centre that we will hold in Barcelona.
We invite you to the grand opening party of the Reservation Center that we will hold in Barcelona and we will include your name in the acknowledgments of the Reservation Center website
Make the "Kellys Reservation Centre", linked to the Seal of Fair and Quality Work, possible
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Minimum | Optimum |
IT expenses from booking website + mobile app + legal advice + technical advice processes + Secretariat + Translation
Deducting the corresponding taxes, the essential expenses for the start-up are: - Computer work for the development of the reservation website as well as the mobile application. - Central Reservation Art and Design image. - Legal advice for the supervision of working conditions and the establishment of collaboration agreements with hotels willing to implement the Fair Labor Seal to appear in the Reservation Center. -Customer service secretariat. -Technical advice on the design of work processes that respect the health of the workers. -Training of workers. -Translate services.
$ 1,322,184 | |
Advertising + Event Organization + Travel + Diets
An extra 30,000 euros would go to the organization of events, travel and accommodation. It is a Reservation Center with a planetary scope of action, and we intend to establish alliances with other unions in the world to work together on the project, so it will be necessary to make trips and stays in other countries. We plan to organize annual events in which prizes are awarded to the cleanest and most respectful hotels on the planet.
$ 661,092 | |
Total | $ 1,322,184 | $ 1,983,276 |
Book your next hotel room with Las Kellys!
We are going to create a Reservation Centre linked to the Seal of Quality and Fair Labor where travelers can book their rooms directly with us in the Hotels where we have union presence and we can ensure, with total certainty, that the rights of the workers are respected and there is no exploitation.
With this Reservation Centre, you can only hire accommodation in Hotels that meet the requirements of the Seal of Quality and Fair Labor , which are the following:
1.- Respect and compliance with the Interprovincial Collective Agreement of the Hospitality and Tourism Sector.
2.- The non-outsourcing or subcontracting of the core work of the hotel business, such as housekeeping.
3.- Compliance with the Occupational Risk Prevention Laws.
4.- Equal Remuneration for men and women.
5.- Hiring people who are part of vulnerable groups.
6.- The existence of measures related to the promotion of stable and quality work, such as permanent hiring of workers who perform structural tasks in the hotel business.
This Reservation Center aims to be a tool for social transformation that goes beyond contracting accommodation in Hotels. We want to Clean the World and inaugurate the New Era of Tourism based on Respect, Beauty and Well-being, which puts human interests before commercial ones throughout the planet.
We are going to show that putting human interests before commercial ones is profitable and it generates wealth, happiness, peace, trust and love for people.
The development of the Hotel Reservation Center will take place as soon as the minimum amount that we ask for here is obtained. After its development, the start-up will be immediate because LIVING IS URGENT!
We hope to start 2022 with the Hotel Reservation Centre operational.
Through this undertaking, we set the following goals:
1.- Avoid massive layoffs due to hotel closures that could occur in the autumn, given the generalized crisis with the totality of the sector at risk.
2.- Maintain employment, generate prosperity and ensure the Pacific Respect of Workers' Rights from the very first beginning, without the need for union or judicial conflict.
3.- Transform the current paradigm of Labor Relations. End job insecurity, poverty, conflict, evil and dishonesty among workers and between employers and workers.
4.- Demonstrate to society that putting Human Rights before commercial rights is profitable and that it generates wealth, happiness, peace, trust and love for people.
5.- Clean the World and Inaugurate the new Era of Tourism based on Respect, Beauty, Health and Well-being.
6.- Build a new lifestyle model in our cities and countries.
7.- Live in a Clean World.
Our Hotel Central is aimed at all the inhabitants of the planet who seek quality, truth, justice, freedom, harmony, happiness, full beauty, love, and respect for Human Rights and the Environment.
This Hotel Reservation Centre is not limited to a region, nor to a country, but rather has a planetary scope of action.
We are open to establishing alliances with neighbors, artists, associations or independent groups, not linked to politics, as well as with small businesses that share our philosophy, and that seek to change the world, starting with Barcelona.
The Clean World we dream of is within everyone's reach. This is the first step to achieve it. We thank you in advance for your help and collaboration.
To date, we have been defending women workers through social mobilizations, legal proceedings and legislative initiatives, but we have noticed the following:
1.- That the workers are afraid to organize themselves because they associate "unionization" with "repression" and "sudden loss of employment."
2.- That the legal procedures are insufferable and dangerous for the health and economy of the claimant workers for various reasons: the cost and duration of the conflict with the corresponding emotional sequel, the continued campaign of harassment and blackmail by the defendant Hotelier during the judicialization of the case, which requires superhuman resistance from the claimant workers to get to the bottom of the fulfillment of the goals.
3.- That the overload of the Spanish courts and tribunals generates injustice. It is not possible for female workers to have to pursue an exploitative employer for between 2 and 5 years to obtain a minimum restoration of rights that should be respected from the very first moment.
4.- The paralysis of legislative initiatives promoted by the Union at the local, regional, national and European level: Kelly Law, Quality Seal, Kelly Directive.
All these adverse factors have enlightened us to find an effective mechanism that protects and cares for workers from the very first minute, without the need for judicial or union conflict.
It is obvious that, since Hotel’s business depend on bookings, with this Reservation Centre we would have the upper hand to impose decent working conditions.
One of our old mottos was that "Without room cleaning there is no Hotel". It is now time to update it to "Without reservations or room cleaning there is no hotel business activity".
We need Hotels to get off their feet, to abandon the pride that has characterized them and to implement our Fair Work and Quality Seal to build a Clean World. We know that this will not happen voluntarily, but we are sure that if this Central Reservation is successful, the market itself will force them to do so. Death will wait for whoever resists change.
With this Hotel Central we are sowing a Clean future. We want to be an impressive world garden piece. We want to make our dreams come true. And live as we dream.
The work team includes all those people who have selflessly helped us throughout these years, when we had nothing. From now on, if we get something, we want to share it with all of them because we know that they will not fail us.
The Social Commitment of this Reservation Center addresses practically all the indicated goals.
RESPONSIBLE CONSUMPTION will be promoted through the Kelly Reservation Centre, taking into account the fact that it will only be possible to book rooms in Hotels that meet the requirements of the Fair Labor and Quality Seal.
This will promote, and create, DECENT WORK, so we will be able to put an end to POVERTY, HUNGER, SOCIAL AND GENDER INEQUALITY.
The workers will also enjoy HEALTH because one of the requirements of the Fair Labor and Quality Seal is Respect for the Occupational Risk Prevention Law. To this end, technical work processes that respect the workers' health will be designed and imposed in the Hotels that are part of our Central.
We will also impose ECOLOGICAL cleaning products that respect the health of the workers and the ENVIRONMENT.
Undoubtedly, everything taken together will result in significant ECONOMIC GROWTH and a more JUST society. We will lead by example raising awareness in Hospitality and we’ll be a positive influence for other sectors, which could follow the same trend by building SUSTAINABLE communities.
Clean World
The main reward of participating in this project is to achieve a CLEAN WORLD. As simple as that.
> 807 Co-financiers
Clean World +
The main reward of participating in this project is to achieve a CLEAN WORLD. As simple as that.
> 590 Co-financiers
Grand opening party
We invite you to the grand opening party of the Reservation Center that we will hold in Barcelona.
> 312 Co-financiers
Las Kellys t-shirt + grand opening party invitation
You will get an exclusive t-shirt of Las Kellys and we will invite you to the grand opening party of the Reservation Centre that we will hold in Barcelona.
> 54 Co-financiers
Great patron
We invite you to the grand opening party of the Reservation Center that we will hold in Barcelona and we will include your name in the acknowledgments of the Reservation Center website
> 07 Co-financiers