We need to dig a well to have water in Datzira.
After four years of drought, the source of which we supply water for the house and the fields is practically dry. Our organic vegetable garden, on which our members depend to eat and maintain old vegetable garden varieties, cannot continue if we do not get water again. After 20 years of activity we resist not to abandon organic horticulture.
La Datzira is a non-profit association and therefore we do not have the funds to make this well. But with the solidarity of many members who have offered their workshops, knowledge, works, etc. for rewards, we can achieve it.

Build a well, with the forecast that it is 200 meters deep and the water pumping system with solar panels, to continue farming our organic vegetable land.

The Association for Sustainable Human Development La Datzira was born in 2007, although some of its members have been engaged in organic farming since the 90s. We moved to Mas la Datzira, located in Moianès (Barcelona) 20 years ago, attracted by the farm and the fact that it had water. This comes from the Gust Fountain that rayed with abundance and is essential for our agricultural and livestock activity. We have been registered with the CCPAE since 1999.
The farmhouse, when we arrived, was in ruins and had been abandoned since the late 1960s. Some fields had grown trees, but, even so, we decided to promote the Datzira project and recover agricultural and agroecological livestock activity. Thanks to its members, a link between the field and the city was formed, a place of learning, cooperation, degrowth, putting in value nature and our relationship with it. All this from a point of view not only economic, but also of recovering respectful agricultural practices, of sustainable use of the environment, of autonomy, of knowledge and always enjoying the environment.
Until now, the Gust Fountain, which allows Datzira to live, had maintained enough flow despite the recurrent droughts we have been suffering. But these last 4 years have made it practically dry today.
La Datzira, thanks to its members, carries out various activities: ecological vegetable garden, reproduction of seeds of ancient varieties and extensive livestock farming in wooded areas very in need of non-intensive grazing (one of the members belongs to Ramaderes.cat). Everything is watered with a drip and micro-sprinkler system, and we do crop rotations, plant cover and green fertilizers. But water is always needed, despite being very careful with it.
We provide electricity with solar panels and, with wood from the nearby forests, we feed a single fire that provides us with heating and hot water. In summer, solar water panels perform this function.
We grow vegetables (tomatoes, potatoes, aubergines, peppers, pumpkins, beetles, leeks, lettuce, beans, beans, peas, beans), corn, giant sunflower, medicinal plants (hyssop, Echinacea, chamomile, mint, oregano, sage). With green fertilizers, fallow lands, and the manure of the herd of 38 goats we manage not to exhaust the land and keep it full of life. These products feed 36 families making the reciprocal countryside-city and city-countryside link a reality.
In order to keep agriculture in Datzira, we need water. And that's why we ask you to help to construct a well.
We need to build a well to continue with organic farming, the cooperation of the members to promote the union of countryside-city/city-countryside, the maintenance of old varieties of vegetables, always with a degrowth horizon.
Two of the founders of the Association have carried out organic farming since 1999, registered and certified by the Catalan Council for Ecological Agricultural Production (CCPAE) with the number 545/P.
We have been living in La Datzira farm (Castellcir) for 20 years. Currently we count with 26 families associated belonging to two Consumer Cooperatives in Barcelona: La Unió de Poblenou (founded in 2006) and L’Aixada de Ca l’Isidret, in addition to other collaborators.
We are a non-profit association and our main activity has been to bring the field, with its difficulties, its knowledge and its wealth, closer to people outside this sector, to jointly take a step beyond mere consumption. Their support has given meaning to all our activities.