Contributing € 5
The first step that tells us you believe in what we do

Thank you for this gesture that tells us that you align yourself with our vision! In this way you support us to continue on the path of social transformation.
Remember that every contribution is tax deductible between 35 and 80%! Calculate here: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal
> 07 Co-financiers
Contributing € 20
Support our Wilder Journal

Did you know that the Platoniq Foundation has launched its own digital journal? 👉 journal.platoniq.net
The Wilder Journal is a space for creating and sharing knowledge, the kind of knowledge that nurtures, that empowers, that impacts, that serves as a platform for transformative initiatives to be known and researched. It is a peephole into what is brewing for the future, into experiences that are transforming the future. We want to nurture this space with interviews, research articles and our own success stories.
As a thank you for your donation, we will subscribe you to the Wilder Journal newsletter so you won't miss a thing.
Remember that every contribution is tax deductible between 35 and 80%! Calculate here: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal
> 17 Co-financiers
Contributing € 25
Subscripción mensual / Laboratorio ciudadano de Palma

¿Te interesa apoyar a la Economía Social y Solidaria, impulsar la cultura democrática entre los jóvenes o crees en el poder de la inteligencia colectiva y la participación ciudadana?. Si crees que la cultura y la creatividad es un medio importantísimo para crear futuros más saludables en nuestras sociedades, colabora con nosotros/as.
Apoya nuestros proyectos, plataformas y actividades y hazte socio/a.
Suscripción mensual : 25 euros
- Estarás invitado/a a las actividades que se harán en el Lab de Palma, organizadas por la Fundación (talleres, presentaciones y formaciones).
- Recibirás información sobre la plataforma de crowdfunding Goteo.org y acceso a formación/asesoría en crowdfunding.
- Podrás alquilar la sala de formaciones para organizar tus propios eventos los fines de semana a un precio reducido.
> 03 Co-financiers
Contributing € 35
Tote bag "Wilder Journal by Platoniq".

Thank you very much for your trust! With this donation you will receive a great tote bag with Alba Feito's illustrations, created for our Wilder Journal, plus a set of stickers! They come in different colours and with different messages and illustrations :)
(Shipping available only within the Spanish national territory)
Remember that each contribution is tax deductible between 35 and 80%! Calculate here: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal
> 09 Co-financiers
Contributing € 55
Camiseta "Wilder Journal by Platoniq"

Thank you very much for your trust! With this donation you will receive a great t-shirt with the illustrations of Alba Feito, created for our Wilder Journal, plus a set of stickers! They come in different colours and with different messages and illustrations :)
(Shipping available only within the Spanish national area)
Remember that each contribution is tax deductible between 35 and 80%! Calculate here: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal
> 05 Co-financiers
Contributing € 100
Sponsor a feature of Goteo's open source code

Thank you so much for believing in what we do! Many organisations use the code of our platform and we lack the time to follow the evolution of these "little sisters" of Goteo. With your help we will be able to improve and document new technological developments on our platform.
As a thank you for your donation, you will be able to attend a digital session with us where you can ask all your questions about Goteo's free code if you need to.
Remember that every contribution is tax deductible between 35 and 80%! Calculate here: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal
> 02 Co-financiers
Contributing € 150
Premium advisory for your campaign

Do you believe in the value of the advisory services we offer at Goteo? Support us so that we can continue to give more personalised attention to the people who drive campaigns. With this donation we will be able to give premium advisory time to the campaign of your choice. This means up to 2 hours of videoconference with one of our advisors to solve all your doubts and to accompany you in case you want to launch a crowdfunding campaign.
Remember that each contribution is tax deductible between 35 and 80%! Calculate here: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal
> 00 Co-financiers
Contributing € 250
Help us expand Goteo and the civic crowdfunding in your community!

Do you think crowdfunding is not well known in your community or organisation? Support us so that we can continue to spread our knowledge among initiatives that need funding and give an important boost to their digital transition.
With this donation you can request a 2 hour digital session to introduce crowdfunding in your community. You gather at least 10 people attending and we organise it!
Remember that each contribution is tax deductible between 35 and 80%! Calculate here: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal
> 00 Co-financiers
Contributing € 350
A day of co-creation together

Thank you very much for believing in what we do! One of our added values is creativity in design and co-creation processes. We work with innovative methodologies, gamification and safer spaces under the principles of Design Justice.
Would you like to learn more about these processes? With this donation you can attend a co-creation session with our team.
Remember that each contribution is tax deductible between 35 and 80%! Calculate here: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal
> 00 Co-financiers
Contributing € 600
An act of solidarity with other transformative organisations

Wow! Thank you so much for your support. People like you give us the strength to keep doing what we do!
At Platoniq we are creative and visionary and we like to help and inspire other organisations in their journey. Many contact us asking for our advice on gamification, scenario design, strategic plans, rethinking their internal participation processes, their governance model, etc. We have helped large and small organisations to face current challenges in our society, to rethink the future of important initiatives such as Wikimedia, Fundació Pare Manel, Mozilla Foundation or Missions Publiques.
With this donation you are making an act of solidarity so that we can continue to help other organisations that cannot finance this type of accompaniment and need inspiration from other possible models.
Remember that each contribution is tax deductible between 35 and 80%! Calculate here: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal
> 00 Co-financiers
Contributing € 1.000
Join the Friends of Social and Democratic Innovation Club!

Wow! Thank you very much for your support. People like you give us the strength to keep doing what we do .
Would you like to be part of what's in the pipeline for the future? With this donation you will participate in our Friends of Social and Democratic Innovation Club where we will address the challenges of the transition to economic democracy and social justice.
We will meet twice a year to look back on milestones and learnings as a laboratory of social and democratic innovation. Also you will receive reports and you will be able to participate as an observer in facilitating dialogue and deliberation.
Remember that each contribution is tax deductible between 35 and 80%! Calculate here: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal
> 00 Co-financiers
Contributing € 16.000
Fund a citizens' dialogue with young people on climate change

Thank you so much! **It is acts like this that make a difference and help us take a firm step towards a fairer future.
We believe that the climate crisis must be addressed with the participation of the generations that will suffer most from its consequences. Climate change and the energy supply crisis can steal the future from young people. We believe that these same people are the ones who should have a leading role in building a future that is just for them.
**Help us empower them to become a leading agent of change by training them in facilitating citizen dialogues and deliberative assemblies.
Thanks to your donation, we will be able to design and implement at least one youth dialogue on climate change by 2023.
Remember that every contribution is tax deductible between 35 and 80%! Calculate here: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal
> 00 Co-financiers